Design and UX

Healthcare UI & UX tips: How To Design Patient-Centered Apps

The modern healthcare industry regularly adapts to the demands of an evolving. At the same time, new commodities emerge, trying to streamline complex processes while preserving patient confidentiality. Healthcare UX has been booming sector developing software & apps for patients for many years. As new applications and software emerge, the market has become more competitive, pushing designers

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Behavior-based UX Drives Better Financial Outcomes

By: Josh Byrd We live in the age of the consumer. Consumers are highly discerning, and they demand a positive experience with every brand interaction. A recent Forrester Research report revealed that customers’ willingness to pay for a product increases by 14.4 percent simply by focusing on customer experience.[1] Consequently, leading businesses are investing substantial

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2016’s Healthcare Web Design Trends

The healthcare industry and Internet marketing have at least one thing in common: both are changing rapidly. Healthcare practice websites built even two or three years ago may be seriously out of date in 2016 and require significant upgrading to continue being effective for patient communication and appointment scheduling. Here are key trends to incorporate

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