
Brace Yourself! 5 Important Braces Care Tips

Misaligned, broken, or crooked teeth can sometimes be frustrating, not to mention its negative impact on one’s self-esteem. Fortunately, braces were made to help you with your tooth alignment. Aside from tooth alignment, there are other known and proven benefits in getting braces, such as preventing cavities and tooth decay.  Besides the fact that braces

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Why is Fluoride Important to Dental Health

Tooth enamel requires fluoride to be strong and healthy. However, minerals such as fluoride are lost when attacked by acid which has been formed from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. As it occurs naturally in water and many food items, fluoride from these sources can remineralize teeth. Yet as time goes by, if

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Yonkers Dental Arts: What Do They Do?

Yonkers Dental Arts is a cosmetic and general dentistry practice serving the residents of Westchester County in Yonkers, NY. The goal of Alicia Schraner, DDS, and her team at Yonkers Dental Arts is to make sure that all patients feel relaxed and each visit is a friendly and productive one. Dr. Schraner considers dentistry as

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6 Advantages of Invisalign vs Do-it-Yourself Aligners

Achieving that perfect smile is something many people strive for. Over the years, Invisalign has become the go-to option for straightening crooked, misaligned teeth. The market has also been flooded with do-it-yourself (DIY), at-home aligners that can easily be purchased online. It is important to be aware of the potential risks of using DIY options

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6 Reasons Why You Need To Have Teeth Fissure Sealants

Tooth decay manifests in the form of cavities or caries when food particles deposit on the pits and fissures of the chewing teeth like the molars and premolars.  Combined with poor oral hygiene, decay sets in and is aggravated by wrong food and drinks that encourage decay, causing bacteria to harm the teeth. Cavities result

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When to Consider Getting a Smile Makeover

Your best friend is the funniest one of your group, but you always find it hard to laugh at her jokes. Constantly, you find yourself sitting at the back of the group meeting because of fear someone will notice something unusual in your smile. If you live in Chandler, smile makeover specialists will make that

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Teeth Whitening – Is it Really Worth it?

Adding a little sparkle and shine to your smile goes far beyond what you see in the mirror! Fresh, clean, white teeth are going to completely transform your level of confidence and capability as you move your way through your day. This long term solution to a pressing and debilitating issue is absolutely the key

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