
Effective Cyber Threat Management Strategies for Healthcare Industry

source The patient details are the most essential part of healthcare companies. It includes key details such as medical histories, payment details, and Medicare identifiers. However, the industry has witnessed an increase in cyber security threats. The recent threat environment often underscores the real need for risk management for healthcare industry. It is more than

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How Tech Is Paving the Way for Maximum Efficiency in Healthcare

If there’s any industry that requires rapidly advancing tech, it’s healthcare. As time goes on, diseases evolve and patient needs change, so it’s essential to have the newest innovations to help doctors and nurses do their best work. Luckily, there have been some exciting innovations with AI, automation, cybersecurity, and file sharing that will do

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Navigating the Challenges of Healthcare Business: Embracing Technological Advancements, Cybersecurity, and External Disruption

Working for or owning a business in the healthcare sector means that, whilst you have your patients’ best interests at heart at all times and want to provide top-tier care, you also need to have the functionality of your business in mind too. The healthcare sector is ever-changing, so let’s take a look at some

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Top 6 Ways To Train Healthcare Staff On Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity breaches are an ever-constant threat in the healthcare world. Managing these threats is the responsibility of everyone who handles patient information. It is important that everyone on your team is well-versed in cybersecurity and taking appropriate actions to ensure the safety of your patients’ information.  Why Cybersecurity Is Important Cybersecurity is important because it

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9 Tips on How to Ensure Cyber Security in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Image source: Pexels The pharmaceutical industry is a world-renowned leader in the development and manufacturing of innovative medicines. But, as we all know, this industry is also a very targeted one. To maintain its leading position, the pharmaceutical industry has to adopt stringent security measures. It has to find ways to prevent potential drug counterfeiting

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The Best Ways to Improve Cybersecurity Measures in the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is now the most targeted sector regarding cyberattacks. Healthcare organizations hold sensitive data, including patient medical records and financial information. Unfortunately, many healthcare organizations have not yet implemented adequate cybersecurity measures to protect this data. As a result, healthcare industries need to improve their cybersecurity posture. Cybersecurity is a critical issue in

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How To Protect Hospital Data From Data Breaches

Cybercriminals often infiltrate organizations and retrieve confidential data which they sell or expose to the general public. Hospitals collect and store a lot of personal and valuable information, making them a significant target to cybercriminals. Compared to other years, 2020 saw the number of breaches in hospitals soar to record levels. In the United States

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