Why COVID 19 is The Tip of a Terrifying, But Potentially Revolutionary, Antibiotic Resistant Iceberg

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been defined as one of the major potential health crises of the 21st century. Medical research has intensified its focus on addressing this issue, however, a bridge has certainly been crossed. Notable bacteria are resistant to nearly all antibiotics and some have even become resistant to all forms of treatment.  AMR

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COVID-19 and Your Pathology Software

We’ve all had to do our part this year. For many pathology laboratory owners, this means providing COVID-19 testing. As COVID cases spike, the US needs efficient test results, and the only way to keep things efficient is to avoid a backlog of tests. That’s why America’s pathology labs have stepped up to the plate.

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Health Charities During A Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has posed many challenges for societies globally and the true extent of its consequences are difficult to predict at the moment. However, issues apparent already range from deteriorated mental health (due to social isolation and limited access to health care institutions) to exposing many families to severe financial insecurity. The consequences of

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