Care Management

Three Possible Causes For Your Insomnia

Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep at night long enough to wake up feeling refreshed. It is a prevalent problem that is thought to afflict many people worldwide regularly, and it is most prevalent among the elderly. Insomnia can come and go without causing severe difficulties for some people, but for others, it can

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Low Vision: Everything You Need To Know

Low vision is an ailment in which eyesight is not corrected with glasses or contacts, but is able to see. Low vision isn’t blindness, however, it could result from a limited vision in certain regions. Low vision may include blurry vision, night vision that is poor blind spots, and blurry vision. Age-related macular degeneration is

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Medical Mistakes That Can Lead to Cerebral Palsy

Picture: PublicDomainPictures  Cerebral palsy is a physical disability affecting posture and movement. Two brain damage types can cause this disability, including developmental brain malformation and neurological damage. The former is caused by a baby’s brain failing to develop properly, but the latter, which is more frequently diagnosed, results from illness or injury to a normally

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