
How To Determine If Someone Needs Drug Rehab – Look Out for These Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse

Substance use disorder, or drug addiction, is a disease affecting an individual’s behavior and brain and can lead to the incapability of controlling the use of illegal or legal medication or drugs. Substances like nicotine, marihuana, and alcohol are also considered drugs. Once you are addicted, you might continually use the drug despite the problems

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The Benefits of Abstinence-Based Housing in Recovery

Statistically, most people who receive treatment for a substance use disorder (SUD) do not maintain sobriety for more than a few months. Relapse is probable for the majority (as with any chronic disease). Increasing evidence is showing the correlation between longer-term treatment and better sobriety outcomes. Although not technically considered “drug treatment,” sober living houses

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Useful Addiction Resources

What Can You Do To Detox Successfully? If you are someone who is looking to recover from substance abuse and addiction, you may be wondering what to do. After all, there are a lot of challenges you face in overcoming your addiction. One of the biggest challenges comes right away. If you have a lot

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