How Can IoT Provide Value in the Healthcare Industry?

The healthcare industry is under constant pressure regarding costs and quality, and the main challenge is creating a balance between the two. Inspired by the cost-cuts offered by smart systems in other areas like aviation and retail, healthcare is starting to adopt the latest trend in efficiency, the Internet of Things (IoT). This is an

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Personalized Medicine Built On Titanium Wires Comes to the Pharmaceutical Industry

Personalized medicine is taking another turn and approaching the pharmaceutical industry. Three-dimensional printing is growing in popularity in the field and has some scientists wondering if the practice of prescribing based on generalizations is coming to an end. The Pharmaceutical Industry Today Although physicians prescribe medications for patients based on particular illnesses, the overarching idea of such

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Using Data for Better Oral Health Behaviors

Oral health is important, and not just because people like to have clean, sparkling teeth. Ensuring that a patient’s teeth are free from cavities and that their gums are healthy means a better quality of life for those patients; likewise, regular checkups can ensure a patient’s mouth has no indicators for any other possible health concerns

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Advancing Healthcare: The Rise of the Citizen Scientist

The healthcare industry is struggling with a series of challenges, from mountains of unconnected data to caring for an increasingly unhealthy population. While there is huge investment by hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and governments, it is widely acknowledged that the global problem is too big for the industry as a whole. Harnessing a Global Workforce The

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5 Ways Mobile Healthcare is Big News

We often hear that we spend too much time on our phones and other mobile devices. Technology improves and takes on new uses constantly, giving us access to information that is literally at our fingertips. This ever-growing speed and ownership of smartphones can be used for good, making healthcare more available and easy. Mobile healthcare

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Top Cellphone Apps to Keep You Healthy

Staying in shape and monitoring progress used to be a real chore, but with the emergence of smartphones you really don’t need to worry about losing your pencil or running out of paper in your notebook anymore. There are literally hundreds of different applications that can help you monitor your progress with weight loss, nutrition,

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