Getsafe Launches Pioneering Health Insurance API

Heidelberg 15.03.2018 – Getsafe is now offering developers an API for integrating insurance products into third-party apps, the first to include health insurance options. Through Getsafe’s new API, healthcare providers such as medical offices are now able to offer easily accessible health insurance products to their patients, particularly those who avoid booking much-needed appointments because

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Why is Dental Digital Health Technology More Advanced Than Other Healthcare Specialties?

Technology has helped achieve unimaginable feats in the field of health and medicine. Hi-tech equipment and cutting-edge techniques are helping doctors and healthcare specialists make stunning medical breakthroughs every day. While these advancements are being observed in all perspectives of healthcare, its highest benefactor seems to be the dental department. Dentistry has developed like no

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The Benefits of Digital Dental Implants

Dentistry has evolved a lot in the last years, one of the most performant branches of this industry being implantology. With greater access to international courses and studies, more and more dentists started specializing in different areas and offer improved services to their clients seeking for the perfect smile. Nowadays, this perfect smile can be

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