SEO Tips for Healthcare Institutions

The technology’s impact on the medical field is colossal. The many great technological devices that made everything from diagnosis to surgeries easier, faster, safer, and more accurate. Most importantly, these developments have been saving lives. The impact did not stop there. Technology has computerized medical records and made it easier for doctors, hospitals and patients

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Healthcare Mobile App Development

Healthcare is one of the most demanded professional fields on a global scale. People need medicine everywhere, at all times and various healthcare services will always be popular and requested. Considering the rapid development of IT industry and advanced everyday capabilities, mobile software dedicated to providing an immediate connection with a doctor, healthy way of

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Will Cybersecurity Ultimately Fail Without the Use of AI?

Cybersecurity has largely garnered attention for all the wrong reasons over the past 10 years. From Yahoo to Target to Equifax, it’s the lack of adequate security that had made headlines and sparked conversations. For many, the advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the great equalizer against cybercriminals. Those that advocate its use in cybersecurity

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3 Ways 3D Printing Benefits the Medical Device Industry

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has become wildly popular since it was first developed in the 1980s. The technology involves recreating a digital model using successive layers of appropriate material to create a new, touchable version. The technique has been utilized in several industries, including the medical device industry. In many cases, original

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An Open Source Industry Platform for Provider Directory

We’ve talked extensively about the problem with provider directories. It’s a fundamental issue in healthcare administration and many of our processes are built on top of it. I’ve called it healthcare’s ultimate death by paper cut. Today we’re going to talk about solutions. On this episode, I talk with Gunjan Siroya, Principal Partner at Netspective, about RosterSource. It’s an

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In Need of (Clinical Decision) Support

“Antibiotics have transformed the practice of medicine, making once lethal infections readily treatable and making other medical advances, like cancer chemotherapy and organ transplants, possible,” according to the CDC. However, that transformation did not come without side effects. As Mark Twain once said, “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” Antibiotics

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What are MACRA and MIPS?

Since 2016, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) and Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) have been changing the healthcare reimbursement landscape. Now, providers have largely adjusted to the new rules, are meeting the reporting requirements, and have turned their attention to finding ways to improve their performance. eClinicalWorks is here to help. To

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