Sarah Daren has been a consultant for startups in multiple industries including health and wellness, wearable technology, nursing, and education. She implements her wellness and education knowledge into every aspect of her life, including her position as a yoga instructor and raising her two children. When she's not watching the New York Yankees play, Sarah enjoys practising yoga and reading a good book on the beach.

What Preparations Do Hospitals Make When a Pandemic Happens

Though none in recent history were as globally devastating as the current COVID-19 pandemic, epidemics and pandemics do, indeed, happen quite frequently compared to some other of mother nature’s destructive habits. The swine flu, for instance, claimed the lives of 12,000 people in 2009, and SARS, just 6 years prior, spread to four continents before

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Benefits to Look for When Considering Health Insurance

Accidents happen. People get sick for all kinds of reasons. Without insurance, you’re taking a huge gamble that nothing bad will happen to you. Even if you’re young and healthy, it’s important to have at least basic insurance so that you can pay your bills if the worst should happen. Preventative care is also extremely

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What Types of Nursing Leadership Can You Go Into?

The field of nursing is full of compassionate people who are dedicated to helping patients get healthy. Nurses play one of the most important roles in healthcare and have a lot of great career options these days. Some nurses have what it takes to excel in leadership roles. While others thrive in direct care nursing

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How Can the Quality of Healthcare Improve More?

In the United States, we spend a lot on healthcare. In fact, we spend more than any other developed Western country. But what are we getting for all that spending? Not much, as it turns out. Despite spending far more on healthcare, Americans are in poorer health than their global neighbors. We have advanced technology

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Is It Ever Okay to Breach HIPAA Under Emergency Circumstances?

Patient confidentiality is something that every healthcare provider in the country must adhere to, but sometimes circumstances change and patients aren’t able to confirm or deny a request that information is shared that could potentially save their lives. There are many ethical lines to toe in the world of healthcare, but HIPAA infringements are some

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3 Trends Changing the Field of Nursing

One trend that nurses can be very excited about is finally having some days off. As vaccines continue to be distributed, hospitalizations for COVID-19 are slowly but surely lessening. As hospitals go back to some semblance of the operations they had prior to the pandemic, a few things learned during the COVID response are expected

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Social Issues in Healthcare

We’d like to believe that everyone will have a positive experience when they need to shop for health insurance, see a doctor, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, this just isn’t the case in the United States. Social factors affect us in every area of life, including health, wellness, and how we’re treated by

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Creating an Eco-Friendly Healthcare Facility

These days, sustainability is a major issue, not only for the future of the natural world but for the future of humanity as well. Human health and the environment are closely linked, and we now know that climate change will have a major negative impact on the health of people living all over the world.

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The 3 Challenges Facing Health Data Management

Over the last decade or so, electronic health records (EHR) have been helping to streamline medical record-keeping and coordinate patient care. EHR has been instrumental in allowing hospitals to reduce errors, leverage big data for patients’ benefit, and provide a more comprehensive picture of a patient’s health. There are so many benefits to collecting digital

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