Sarah Daren has been a consultant for startups in multiple industries including health and wellness, wearable technology, nursing, and education. She implements her wellness and education knowledge into every aspect of her life, including her position as a yoga instructor and raising her two children. When she's not watching the New York Yankees play, Sarah enjoys practising yoga and reading a good book on the beach.

School Nursing and Occupational Health: The Roles of Nurses Outside Hospital Walls

Nurses working on hospital floors typically log three to four twelve-hour shifts per week. Sometimes, these shifts are on weekends or evenings. Often, they are on holidays. Hospital patients don’t take a break from being sick which means the people taking care of them don’t get the chance to rest either. It’s no wonder nursing

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Unveiling the Challenges to Becoming a Registered Nurse

If you’re like thousands of other aspiring professionals in the country, you’ve probably toyed with the idea of becoming a registered nurse. From incredible job security to a solid salary to career growth potential, it can be an immensely attractive role to pursue. However, while there are undoubtedly numerous significant benefits to stepping into the

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Understanding the Importance of Mental Health for Those with Special Needs

When it comes to helping individuals with special needs thrive and succeed in life, many efforts revolve around imparting social skills and other important abilities to function adequately in society. Unfortunately, while these efforts are well intended, they often miss a key point. Individuals with special needs often struggle with a range of mental health

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Will Robotics and Automation Affect Healthcare Cost and Accessibility?

A recent report indicated that the trajectory of robotics and AI in the healthcare industry could eventually result in hospitals saving around $60 billion worldwide. And yet in the United States, where healthcare emergencies are synonymous with financial hardship, it’s a little bit hard to imagine those savings being passed onto the patient. What potential

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What Health Care Professionals Need to Know About Population Health Management

Health care professionals have to think about a lot when working with individual patients, including their health history, family history, lifestyle, and environment. But it’s important to remember that every patient is part of a larger community— a community with its own unique healthcare needs and challenges. Population health management is all about improving the

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Enhancing Patient Well-Being Through the Partnership of Home Health Nurses and Nurse Practitioners

As the world advances in various ways, healthcare has been making exciting steps in a new direction. Specifically, providing patients with care in the comfort of their own homes has become a more normalized and viable option for scores of individuals. As a result, scores of people are now able to receive amazing and effective

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Exploring the Psychological Impact of Racial Bias in Healthcare Delivery

Those who work in healthcare know that the field can sometimes be taxing. Between high-stakes situations, long hours, and stressful environments, healthcare delivery isn’t always easy for professionals in the industry. Unfortunately, beyond these challenges, patients can also make work more difficult for healthcare workers. Specifically, instances in which patients, whether they’re getting a check-up

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