Santosh Varughese is Founder and President of Cognetyx, a company focused on delivering 'Ambient Cognitive Cyber Surveillance' to protect information assets against cyber security threats, data breaches & privacy violations. He serves as the Co-Founder and President of Cognetyx. He brings more than 30 years of leadership experience building companies into profitable, high-value enterprises. Santosh’s mission for Cognetyx is to deploy new, powerful technologies combining the art and science of machine learning and artificial intelligence to directly address the challenge of quashing the insidious growing problem of healthcare data breaches and privacy violations that affect hundreds of millions of Americans. He began his career with Royal Dutch Shell designing high-speed fiber optic communications between Cray Supercomputer and IBM mainframes. His next venture led him to Procter & Gamble in International Marketing for Pampers and Luvs in Switzerland, then Germany, to Singapore, and finally, Saudi Arabia. Santosh’s passion and spirit for innovation have led to his involvement in various startups in fields ranging from global product licensing and distribution, advertising agencies, brick & mortar operations and online ventures including his most recent – co-founding, which was acquired by The Advisory Board (NASDAQ:ABCO) in May 2014.

A Dose of AI Could Be the Cure for Hospital EHR Cyberattacks in 2017

By Santosh Varughese, president, Cognetyx, delivering ‘Ambient Cognitive Cyber Surveillance’ to protect information assets against cyber security threats, data breaches and privacy violations. I know how terrible hospital record theft can be. I myself have been the victim of a data theft by hackers who stole my deceased father’s medical files, running up more than $300,000

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