Five Apps That Will Revolutionize Healthcare

With everyone having a phone at the palm of their hand, almost any industry is being revolutionized at an exceptionally quick rate. It seems like every day there’s some new, industry redefining app that becomes available on the app store. And one of those industries is healthcare. More and more doctors are seeing technology and

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3 Teeth whitening myths you shouldn’t believe

Teeth whitening is becoming one of the most sought-after dental procedures. A lot of people would love to get rid of the discoloration and the stains on their teeth. Despite becoming a popular procedure, teeth whitening is surrounded by lots of myths. These myths often hinder the effectiveness of the process and the end-results. If

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How Big Data is Changing Public Health

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the world is changing. Technology is making our lives easier, altering everything from the way we grocery shop to the way we drive our cars. The introduction of Big Data has taken the world by storm, and we are only just beginning to see the ways

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Choosing the Right Nursing Speciality for You

 Healthcare is a complex field in many aspects, and it’s no wonder that nursing has followed other professions in the path to more niche specializations. Specialization is useful firstly at a personal level because it allows an individual to focus on tasks more suited to his personal job expectations and preferences. Secondly, it’s useful at

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