Mariam Askari is a biology enthusiast looking for the best way to apply digital health and data driven solutions in daily life. With a research background in genetics and computational biology, she enjoys covering innovative platforms and programs that tackles the obstacles facing the biotech industry.

The Underdog Markets: Helping the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

Walking around Health 2.0’s exhibits and stepping in on their panels and demos, you see a lot of portals, services, apps, what-have-you’s on patient adherence/engagement, EHR reform, comprehensive health data analytics, aggregating wearable data, and the likes. Don’t get me wrong, these are all extremely important issues and many of the biotech companies I saw

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Digitizing Women’s Health

A major hot topic right now is the potential defunding of the non-profit reproductive health services, “Planned Parenthood”. The unfortunate truth is that this move, most recently passed by the Senate, undermines the agency women have on their own health choices. Fortunately, there are other companies that still strive to connect this population to the

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Health 2.0 Finale – The Potential of Telemedicine

The Health 2.0 conference ended quite thematically as the LAUNCH! Competition winner MedWand and Vsee shared their common vision of the power of telemedicine. The two companies bring different innovations to the table that makes telemedicine a much more feasible reality. In their prize-winning demo, MedWand introduced a patent-pending handheld device in a real-time video

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