How are Health Care Services Operated During COVID-19?

The World Health Organization (WHO) pronounced COVID-19 as an international level public health crisis last January 30th, 2020. Furthermore, there were 212,616 confirmed cases around the world by March 18th, 2020. With the growing number of COVID-19 patients and fatalities, many individuals are worried about how they can access healthcare services. Moreover, with the imposed

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Chiropractic Care For Tension Headaches

If you combine poor posture, stress, and repetitive activities, what would you get? Tension headaches. A tension headache can be a symptom of emotional distress and can result from a medical disorder like depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and migraine. Generally, one can experience tightness, dull pain, or pressure on the back neck or around

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Should You Get Chiropractic Care? The Benefits of its Treatment

Chiropractic is one of the most popular alternative medical treatments. Founded in 1895 by D.D. Palmer, this practice focuses on manual therapy, which involves the manipulation of particular body parts, particularly the spine, joints, and body tissues. Most clients who seek chiropractic treatments often have low back pain and other musculoskeletal pains. Chiropractic treatments have

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