I am a health editor with a degree in Journalism and Social Communications, currently writing for several online health publications like NaturalNews.com and TalkHealthPartnership.com. I work as a PR consultant for a digital agency called 90 Digital. Find me on Twitter at @morienus

Big Data and the Future of Patient Care

Around just about every corner, there is a story about the use of data in today’s business landscape. Customers are asked to provide information on their location when visiting a specific website, behind-the-scenes technology gathers data relating to buyer preferences, and experience surveys are sent within moments of completing a transaction – all for the

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New Health Startups Offer Innovative Solutions To Medication Errors

Digital technology is revolutionizing the way we manage our medication and our health. The new generation of apps, gadgets, wearables and software are providing doctors with more regular, efficient feedback loops. They can remind patients when it’s time to take medication, send information to a doctor or inform a relative if there’s a medical problem.

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