Danielle Kunkle is a founding partner and senior executive at Boomer Benefits, a national agency specializing in Medicare-related insurance products since 2005. Serving thousands of Medigap policyholders in 47 states, her team teaches baby boomers how to navigate Medicare. She is a nationally-recognized expert in the Medicare-sector of the health insurance industry and a member of the Forbes Finance Council.

Top Points for Medicare in 2019

Turning 65 and becoming eligible for Medicare can pose a lot of questions. Rightfully so, Medicare is confusing. However, if you focus on learning the basics first, the rest won’t seem as complex. Here are the top points for Medicare you should know in 2019. Medicare Isn’t Free Original Medicare consists of two parts, Part

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Medicare Coverage for Substance Abuse

Whenever someone is struggling with an addiction and ready for help, the cost of the necessary treatment is a significant factor. In recent years this has become easier under the Obamacare legislation, because treatment of mental health and substance abuse disorders is now considered the same as any other medical treatment. This kind of parity

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Medicare 101 for Cancer Patients

In our monthly New to Medicare webinars (find out about our Medicare webinars), we often get questions about Medicare’s coverage of cancer treatment. Many people have battled or know someone who has battled cancer. It’s only natural when talking about health insurance coverage to wonder how your new coverage will cover cancer. The great news

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