Technology: Good Or Bad News For Our Health?

It is often reported and talked about by people that technology is detrimental to our health. The rise of technology has caused more mental health issues; it has made us lazier, social media and video games are addictive, and there is potentially a connection between using screens and having a weaker attention span and poorer

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The Mental Health Crisis Facing Men

From an early age, most men are given an idea of what it means to be masculine. Sometimes, that vision of masculinity can seem laughably out of date; other times, the lessons are more subtle. How aggressively our visions of masculinity are interpreted or communicated varies a great deal, but the general direction of the

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Physician Credentialing Can Improve Healthcare

What is Physician Credentialing? Physician credentialing is the process of gathering and validating a physician’s records and educational background. A credentialing entity performs the task of verifying a physician’s credentials when the physician fills an application form for the hospital or clinic. This is quite an extensive process and usually takes four to six months.

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