Benefits Of Cold Therapy After Total Knee Arthroplasty Or Shoulder Surgery

Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is a method that involves applying cold on an injured area to help reduce the pain, decrease the swelling, and promote healing by numbing the affected area. It is a common practice among athletes that suffer a sport injury and more doctors are recommending it to their patients. Cold

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How Technology is Reshaping Healthcare

Technology surrounds us in our daily lives, but fewer applications than healthcare truly showcase the crescent of our collective problem-solving ability. Healthcare affects us all. This is evidenced in many ways from seeks a life-saving cure for their young, a performance athlete seeks to extend their career another 5 years, or someone simply leveraging the

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4 Signs You Need Addiction Treatment

A lot of people struggle with addictions of some kind, especially with drugs or alcohol. Some ruin their whole life by seeking higher highs and cutting out everything else in their life that matters to them. You might be wondering if your addiction is to the point that you might benefit from rehab of some

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4 Ways to Boost Mental Health

When you’re feeling stressed or depressed it can be difficult to even get out of bed, what alone actually to have the motivation for a workout. Ironically, however, this could be a big part of the problem. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise could actually ease symptoms of anxiety and depression by releasing endorphins, taking your

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What is the Difference – Cosmetic Dentistry vs. General Dentistry

Most people do not understand the difference between Cosmetic Dentistry and General Dentistry. In summary, general dentistry focuses on treating and preventing any type of oral disease. Cosmetic dentistry, on the other hand, focuses on the aesthetics of the teeth. Understanding this difference can help you understand which dental service to choose. It is important

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