How Face Masks Can Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

When the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak first came to the surface, not much was known about the novel coronavirus or its associated disease. But as the pandemic spread through the world, it also allowed healthcare experts to learn more information regarding it. From social distancing to hand washing, it didn’t take long for healthcare professionals to

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7 Ways Healthcare Providers Protect Patient Data

The transition to modern information technologies in medicine improves the quality of service, makes it possible to conduct remote consultations, remote processing of primary information, store patient data in digital form for a long time and, if necessary, access them from anywhere the world. Visit the website to learn how technologies allow you to follow

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Is There a Lawsuit Against Zantac?

Zantac is a popular acid reflux medication. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), many patients in the United States have been relying on Zantac as an antacid. However, Zantac use has recently come under fire as a cancer risk. As such, the drug companies behind the product are in the midst of a class-action

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