An Introduction to Gum Disease Treatment

What is Gum Disease? “Gum disease affects approximately a third of the adult population. Periodontal (gum) disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. It is often caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow bacteria to grow and build-up on the teeth, hardening into what dentists call plaque.”, as stated by New

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Tips to Manage Moles on Skin

There is a significant number of people in the highly populated city of Fort Worth, Texas who have moles on their skin. If you have moles, you should visit a Fort Worth moles specialist as soon as possible for an evaluation. A mole is a cluster of cells that give your skin its color when

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Do Nootropics Work? Here’s What Science Says

As advancements in the field of medicine and particularly genetic engineering and biotechnology are made, there is an unprecedented rise in ethical controversies. Some areas in the field of medicine that have caused a lot of ethical debate include euthanasia, issues of privatization, equity, and patient rights. A recently developed controversy is in the area

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Dopamine Deficiency: Brief Guide to the Problem

A dopamine deficiency can wreak havoc in your life causing fatigue, moodiness, insomnia and sugar cravings. A severe deficiency can lead to Parkinson’s disease that causes a degenerative decline of your motor skills and permanent muscle tremors. Dopamine controls movement, cognitive responses, and emotions and it’s vital to maintain sufficient levels for both mental and

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