Treatment Without Answer: Who Will Not Get Help From Antidepressants

Today, almost everyone has heard about depression – the frequency of complaints about depressive symptoms is growing year after year. However, not everyone understands what is really behind this diagnosis, and is afraid to take antidepressants, considering them almost narcotic drugs. “People started to complain about depression more often, but I don’t think it’s because

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What You Should do if You Have Moles

You may have been born with moles or nevi, or they developed later through your childhood or in adolescence.  These are the small pigmented spots on your skin that may vary in color. Although they are harmless, they can be cancerous and therefore the need to seek medical attention. Fortunately, Chevy Chase moles/nevi  specialists at

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The Technology Involved in Diabetes Monitoring and Treatment

With technological innovations over recent years, diabetes monitoring and treatment are rapidly evolving. Here is a look at some of the most significant technologies driving that change. Image source: Fitness Apps Fitness apps can be downloaded onto mobile devices to track things like the number of steps you take and the number of calories

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How Tech Can Revolutionize Personal Health Care Needs

Technology has simply made our life better. From extending the average life span of humans to providing us drugs, diagnostic equipment, and medical support – it is all made possible due to the evolving research and development in technology pertaining to human health. While humans are consistently striving to personalize their health care needs, the

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What Is Covered Under Medicare Plan?

In recent times, Medicare is being purchased by many people to insure long term health care. It is evident because of the numerous benefits it provides to the people. One of the main reasons for this is the money we save on our healthcare because of Medicare. That being said, now you must be wondering

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