6 Data Security Tips for Healthcare Providers

It is crucial that you look after patient data as if it were your own when you are a healthcare provider. This is some of, if not the most sensitive data an individual possesses. With that in mind, below are 6 important data security tips for healthcare providers.  Source: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/computer-circuit-board-cpu-security-6560745/ Educate your employees on how

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Teenage depression treatment

Teenagers going through challenging periods. It is not always hopeless, though. Multiple factors contribute to the development of adolescent depression. That depression can be repeated. Some of the major reasons could be having self-esteem-damaging challenges such as being overweight. Apart from that, conflict with mates, long-term harassment, school difficulties, Being a victim or witness to

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Is Rice Gluten-Free? And Why Does it Matter?

Image Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/10/22/18/43/rice-498688_960_720.jpg For many health-conscious consumers, gluten is a protein that they’d rather not have in their food. Unfortunately, gluten is present in many types of food, which means that you may be missing out on nutrition that would have helped you reach your fitness goals easier. Before we delve deeper, it’s important that

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How to Take Care of Your Mental Health

The lockdowns of 2020 are mostly gone now, but the consequences of the world pandemic remain. The new normal brings a lot of challenges and tests for our patience, endurance, and sometimes even sanity. Although we can now leave the house, the travel restrictions are still there, new coronavirus mutations are constantly appearing, and the

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