Opioid Abuse: Breaking Down the Opioid Withdrawal Timeline and How to Treat Symptoms

Approximately three million people in the United States and 16 million worldwide suffer from opioid use disorder. That number more than doubles when the unreported population is accounted for. Opioid withdrawal is difficult and must be managed properly for long-term success. The symptoms of opioid withdrawal are severe and agonizing which often keeps people from

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How Technology Has Improved the Management of Diabetes

Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/composition-of-tools-for-blood-sugar-measurements-6303715/  A few decades ago, diabetic people had to prick their fingers multiple times a day and manually test their blood sugar levels. Thanks to technological advancements, things have changed dramatically. Today, many different types of technology help diabetic people manage their condition more effectively. We will discuss some of the most popular

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Essential Tips for Managing Diabetes

URL: https://pixabay.com/photos/diabetes-blood-sugar-diabetic-1724617/ Diabetes impairs your body’s ability to use or produce insulin, a hormone responsible for converting glucose into sugar. When it develops in your body, you may experience extreme thirst, loss of consciousness, high blood pressure, fatigue and lack of energy, pancreas malfunction, dry, cracked skin, and excessive urination. Diabetes may also increase heart

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Why Should You Study To Become A Nurse?

Image Courtesy Do you find joy and rewards in helping, nurturing, and showing others compassion? Are you driven to support and uplift those who need care and kindness? Most importantly, are you capable of performing efficiently in highly stressful life-and-death emergencies? If yes, you are ideally suited to answer the professional and spiritual calling of

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