How To Protect Hospital Data From Data Breaches

Cybercriminals often infiltrate organizations and retrieve confidential data which they sell or expose to the general public. Hospitals collect and store a lot of personal and valuable information, making them a significant target to cybercriminals. Compared to other years, 2020 saw the number of breaches in hospitals soar to record levels. In the United States

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6 tips for new nurses to perform better

Image Source Imagine this: You did it! You finally finished your nursing school, passed the exams, and are ready for your first shift as a nurse practitioner. Just like the beginning of your nursing school, you might be nervous or unsure of what to expect, yet thrilled to get started. However, being a nurse is

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Nursing Care Plans: Stages and Benefits

Image Source The healthcare industry has evolved significantly over the last decade or so, which has resulted in changes in the way nurses interact with their patients. The traditional approach has been replaced by a holistic approach—one in which nurses have to take into account the sum effect of the treatment on a patient’s health

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9 Benefits of Meditation for Stressed Nurses

Image Source According to the American Psychological Association, stress is the number one health problem in the United States. It can lead to various health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. One effective way to reduce stress is through meditation. Meditation is a simple practice that can be done anywhere, at any

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6 Great Nursing School Tips For Success

Image Source Nursing school is a challenging, competitive environment. With skyrocketing tuition and student loan repayments over the years and courses developing by the moment to adjust to research, nursing students have to make sure they’ve got their A-game ready. As soon as you walk in the door, it’s showtime. Of course, by the time

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