Chintan brings in more than 15 years experience as a Computer Scientist and Biomedical Informatician. At Applied Informatics, he builds stuff with funny acronyms such as REST, API, JSON, JSX, RDF and so on. His areas of expertise include software architecture, semantic technologies, biomedical ontologies, machine learning and natural language processing. Previously, he worked at IBM’s T.J. Watson Research, on ontology-reasoning and information extraction that then became the infamous Jeopardy winning AI software “Watson”. He holds a Ph.D. (Hons) in Biomedical Informatics from Columbia University.

popEYE – A Clinical Quality Metrics (CQM) REST API Service over popHealth for Meaningful Use Stage 2 and Stage 3

In this post, I will describe popEYE, a REST API that we have built for Clinical Quality Metrics (CQM) Calculations. We have built popEYE by modifying popHealth v2.1 to work as a RESTful API service so that EHR vendors or Healthcare organizations can calculate CQMs in a multi-practice environment in a scalable manner over millions of patient records with

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