Why Haven’t You Implemented Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) in Your Healthcare Facility?

As healthcare facilities keep taking on more patients, resources are stretched thin in many cases. As a result, healthcare staff members continue to take on additional work.  So, there is a need to make the most use of a healthcare provider’s time for the most patient benefit. Often, healthcare workers are burdened with complicated supply

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Link Between PCOS and Hypothyroidism

Learn about the connection between polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and hypothyroidism. In this article: What is PCOS? How is it diagnosed? Understanding the link between PCOS and hypothyroidism How to manage when you have both conditions People with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are at increased risk of having other hormonal imbalance conditions, including hypothyroidism. Both

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5 Factors Driving the Nursing Shortage of 2021

There are about 4 million nurses right now, and the country needs more than a million new nurses to stay afloat, which shows how severe this shortage is. Trying to figure out what’s causing the nursing shortage is another question, and the truth is there isn’t one clear answer. There are many answers, and five

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Enhance Patient Experience With Efficient Data Management

What’s the key to attracting and retaining patients in your medical practice? Is it a clean and safe facility, highly-skilled support staff with good bedside manner, state-of-the-art equipment, comprehensive treatments, or affordable rates? Honestly, the answer is all of the above. Yet, there are one imperative factor healthcare professionals can’t overlook – data management.  Medical

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Types of Treatments Your Dentist Might Offer

Your oral health is associated with your overall health. To make it simple, if you don’t stay on top of your oral health, it can and will have some sort of effect on your body. That’s beside the fact that dental issues aren’t exactly a joy for anyone. Here’s a quick look at some of

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