6 Ways How Nursing Students Use Digital Tools during Lectures

https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/male-hispanic-workers-technology-camera_1108571.htm Students who are preparing for a career in nursing participate in a plethora of practical exercises with real-world patients and case studies. However, a large percentage of their studies is also relegated to theoretical research, writing, and examination. With technology and modern digital devices available in formal education, nursing students can further augment their

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10 Tips to Improve Patient Education

https://unsplash.com/photos/duNbFJRhaJQ Hospitals are usually overloaded with patients, which is especially true for the turbulent times we presently endure. To avoid a strain on the medical system, prevent re-hospitalization and promote patient wellbeing, every health care professional should endorse patient education. Whether you are a doctor, nurse, or any other health care worker, your job is

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