Meet Angelina Smith, leading the marketing team at eSalesData, a prominent database firm located in Fremont, CA. With a rich professional journey spanning more than a decade, she excels in turning concepts into captivating campaigns, playing a pivotal role in driving the company towards remarkable achievements.

The Future of 3D Printing Technology in Healthcare Industry

Introduction The medical industry is renowned for having a top-of-the-line, cutting-edge approach to developing new techniques. The credits directly go to the advanced technological solutions that have worked as a miracle for the user’s treatment. 3D printing industry trends have found their way into the healthcare industry due to their promising traits of converting the

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How is Automation Impacting the Healthcare Sector?

The healthcare industry is running at the forefront of innovation and technological advancements. Significant changes with respect to automation, predictive analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have found numerous applications in healthcare. Automation is the key to reducing the mounting operations costs in healthcare and presents immense opportunities to keep up to date with the

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