Aaisha is a student who enjoys writing, teaching, and bringing humor to the table. She has been involved in healthcare for the past decade and hopes to do so for the rest of her life. Aaisha advocates for advancing health knowledge, as well as bridging the gap between the politics of healthcare and health access to vulnerable populations.

The Next Big Wave: How FemTech is Revolutionizing Healthcare for Women.

Healthcare advancements through technology represent the future of medicine. Accelerated by the global pandemic in 2020, telemedicine revealed the need for our healthcare industry and healthcare providers to play catch-up with technological advancements. Another sector of the tech industry predicted to catapult into the public eye by emphasizing women’s health and eradicating the taboos around

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Combating Isolation and Anxiety in Coronavirus Times

We often fear that which we cannot understand. After all, what could be more frightening than an unseen adversary terrorizing the globe? The Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, colloquially dubbed “the coronavirus,” has induced fear and panic across the world within a matter of months.  Social distancing measures, school and business closures, economic hardship, and a constant plug

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