Many of us grow up with ambitions to become parents. We go through school and college thinking about the day we bring a new baby into the world without paying much attention to the twists and turns that can unfold en route. The reality is that it’s not always easy to conceive or maintain a healthy pregnancy. In this guide, we’ll shine a spotlight on female fertility, discussing possible difficulties and offering advice to increase the chances of getting pregnant.
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Infertility explained
Studies show that up to 15% of couples will experience infertility. Infertility can affect both men and women and there are several possible causes. Examples include endometriosis, PCSO (polycystic ovary syndrome), uterine fibroids, low sperm count and abnormal sperm function. Age can also be a risk factor. Women aged over 35 are more likely to have difficulty getting pregnant than younger women. In most cases, couples are encouraged to seek professional advice if they have been trying to conceive naturally for up to 12-24 months with no success. At this point, doctors may discuss lifestyle changes and order tests to try and determine possible causes and risk factors.
Increasing the chances of conception
Some people may not be able to conceive naturally, but often, there are ways to increase the chances of conception. The first step is to engage in unprotected sexual intercourse regularly, particularly around ovulation. If couples have tried for a long time, there may be an underlying cause, such as hormonal issues that affect ovulation or conditions that impact parts of the reproductive system, such as endometriosis.
Doctors use test results to create personalized treatment plans. Fertility support may include general advice and counseling, hormone therapies and medication, for example. In some cases, additional measures may be required. Fertility experts and specialist doctors may also explore other options, such as IVF, egg donation and surrogacy.
If there is no underlying cause of difficulties getting pregnant or progressing through pregnancy, taking simple steps can increase chances. Examples include losing weight if you are overweight or obese, taking folic acid supplements and giving up smoking. Tracking ovulation can also help. Women’s cycles vary, but typically, ovulation occurs 12-16 days before the next period is due.
Understanding miscarriage risks
We often have a rose-tinted vision of how life will pan out. Unfortunately, having a baby isn’t always plain sailing. It can be difficult to get pregnant, but miscarriage is another issue we should be aware of. Up to 1 in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage, which is defined as baby loss before 20 weeks. There is usually no cause and nobody is at fault. To maximize the chances of a healthy pregnancy, women are advised to take vitamin supplements and avoid taking medications, smoking and drinking alcohol. Having a miscarriage can be incredibly distressing and it’s essential that women and men get the help and support they need.
Many of us have a life plan, which involves having a child. Infertility and miscarriage are often taboo subjects, which we don’t talk about openly. The reality is that some people may find it very hard to get pregnant or go through a healthy pregnancy. Shining a spotlight on fertility is important so that people have the facts. It’s also crucial that people who need help have access to the right support.
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