During the 60s, The Jetsons, one of the most successful American cartoons, showed us a family where technology had taken part in their daily activities. It was fun to see the father having his personal plane to go to work, while the mother had a machine that would prepare breakfast for her only by pressing a button.
But the curious thing about the series was that the family could have telemedical assistance, which today has become a reality. The incredible thing is that not only the fact of having a call with your doctor something many people have started to do but new technology has been created to give people health care at home. Many devices have been designed specifically for home use. This represents a watershed for the future of healthcare provision.
According to the article “Technology-enabled home care”, published by the Hospital News, a Canadian healthcare newspaper, some of the factors that have made companies and institutions think about home healthcare, are the following:
- Aging population
- Increase in life expectancy
- The rise in chronic diseases
- Scarcity in health resources
On the other hand, the text “What Home Healthcare IT Looks Like Now, and Where It’s Going”, by the HealthTech magazine, complements these factors by adding the premature death caused by chronic illnesses, and the negative economic impact both on families and societies, when someone is diagnosed with a chronic condition.
Coming back to the “Technology-enabled home care” text, which cites the World Health Organization, the WHO indicates that “the use of technologies to support the achievement of health objectives has the potential to transform health service delivery around the globe. As technology becomes an integral part of our lives, we have an opportunity to create new options for care delivery that enhance our health and social care systems”.
In addition, HealthTech mentions that 76% of adults 50 years and older said that they prefer to remain at home, rather than be sent to a hospital or to a retirement house, after being diagnosed with a chronic disease.
Given that, it has been necessary to look for alternative ways to face these issues, and one of them has been the foundation of companies who would commercialize devices that have been made by researchers at universities, since they knew that, as the HealthTech magazine says, “investments in technological innovations will enable individuals with chronic conditions to be more independent in their home, remain […] [there] longer and be more engaged in self-management of their conditions”.
Especially because chronic diseases, even if they are among the most common health concerns, can be prevented and even avoided, since many are the consequence of neglect on the daily care one needs to give to its body.
The investigators that have been working on health devices for home use, according to the “Technology-enabled home care” article, presented that “research evidence shows the potential of technological innovation in accelerating the quality and efficiency of care”.
Among the benefits of having devices for home use are:
- Facilitate access to care
- Reduce hospitalizations and emergency rooms
- Give support to caregivers
- Telemonitoring
- Telemedicine
- Sensor technologies
- Social networking, to counteract isolation
- Cybersecurity
Therefore, the Japanese company System 5/95 has taken part in the companies that commercialize healthcare devices for home use. The company reunites an association of Japanese and Korean scientists, researchers, doctors, and developers who manufacture health devices for home use.
So, its main purpose is to put at the disposal of each and every person the devices, as well as to give them the chance to take care of their health themselves, with technologies that can be used at home.
On its catalog, System 5/95 already has EyeSystem, SpineSystem, SleepSystem, FootSystem, and Moxi. These five devices were developed under a strong digital foundation, plus physiotherapy principles, so anyone can entirely use them at the house. All you need to do is visit our showrooms, or call our assistance centers, so we can explain to you how to use them, and which cautions you to need to take before trying them on.
Today you don’t need to worry anymore about looking for a doctor, nor paying huge amounts of money for a medical consultation, or a physiotherapy service, when you can have right after a click the devices from System 5/95.
Please visit our webpage www.system595.com, and you’ll see how your life will change forever. Thank you so much for staying until the end! We hope to see you soon at the company.
Take good care!
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