If you don’t already know, the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. It creates energy out of the food we eat and based on how we live our lives on the cellular level and keeping them healthy is essential to keeping energy up. But how can we support the health of something so small we can barely conceive of it existing? The answers are similar to any wellness regime you might hear about, but there are some particular compounds and reactions that the average individual might not know about. Many of the problems and ailments that people face are often, but not always, due to deficiencies in certain nutrients or micro reactions causing a chain reaction in the body that results in low energy, poor mood and affects our sense of well-being. Supporting mitochondrial health has all kinds of dietary and lifestyle benefits as well. To get started, check out these five tips on improving mitochondrial health. 


One of the best supplements for mitochondrial health is called CoQ10, short for Coenzyme Q10. This enzyme is a naturally occurring antioxidant that helps protect the mitochondria from byproducts that get produced during the energy creation process. When taking this supplement, there are a few questions that arise such as how much CoQ10 should I take? Ultimately, it depends on the particular supplement brand that you choose. The best version of these supplements are highly absorbent and only requires a 10mg dose once a day to start improving your mitochondrial health. If you find yourself searching ‘how much CoQ10 should I take in your browser, it might be time to try supplementing for your cellular health and overall energy level.  


Regular exercise is another important factor in mitochondrial health. Exercise helps our body in many ways including supporting heart health, muscular health, and mental health. The more we use our bodies in healthy ways, the more our bodies will respond by springing essential functions into action such as converting food into energy. When we are stationary, our bodies learn to store those nutrients for later which can cause weight gain and exacerbate the need to be inactive. When we start exercising, our bodies respond by starting to both create and use that energy. It takes time to reset habits like this, but your cells will thank you in the long run! 


Exercise will help with sleep, another key element to protecting and supporting mitochondrial health. Many of us work busy work lives and don’t get the proper amount of sleep during the week and try to make up for it on the weekend. Studies from Harvard Medical show that this is a myth. The only way to ensure getting the right amount of sleep is to establish daily habits prioritizing getting the right number of hours each night. This might vary from person to person, but it’s important to establish regular sleeping habits to support energy levels and overall health. 

Eat Proteins 

Increased proteins and deceased carbs are other changes one can make to positively benefit their mitochondria. Regardless of protein choice, make sure that it’s a high-quality product. Many products in the meat industry contain additives and preservatives so make sure to spend the extra money on nicer cuts and grass-fed meats. For vegans or vegetarians, there are tons of organic vegetables that are high in protein and it’s important to also seek out the best quality veggies, protein supplements, or faux meats you can find. 

Eat Regularly 

In addition to quality foods, regular meals help keep all aspects of our bodily health in check. In general, it’s a good idea to eat 2-3 meals per day several hours apart. Sources vary in the amount of time between each meal, so do some research and find a middle ground that works for your schedule and appetite. If regular meals aren’t a habit in your life, you’ll likely feel bouts of low energy or irritability throughout the day. Stress levels are likely increased because your body is using reserve energy to get through the day. Eating regularly keeps our mind clear, and focused and our energy up. 


Mitochondrial health helps keep our energy up and our body functioning at the highest level it can. Supplements can be helpful, and if you’re wondering ‘how much CoQ10 should I take,’ the answer is likely one supplement capsule daily. CoQ10 is highly absorbent and isn’t needed in high doses. Keep in mind with this supplement that our body does create its own CoQ10, but it may need some help if you feel your energy levels are declining. In addition to supplements, a healthy lifestyle is key. Make sure you get valuable, lengthy rest each and eat regular meals throughout the day to support your cellular health.Â