Once upon a time, issues like this appeared to be reserved for science fiction. 

Genetic Engineering has been one of the biggest thunderbolts of modern science that has shaken the roots of human DNA and hereditary.

However, due to the quick advancements in genetic technologies over the previous 70 years, they are now a definite possibility.

Geneticists have made astoundingly rapid advances since the discovery of DNA’s structure in the 1950s. 

The first genetically engineered medicine, insulin, which is used to treat diabetes, was created in 1982, and the first human gene therapy studies began in 1990.

A human genome can now be sequenced more efficiently than ever before. The initial $3 billion Human Genome Project took 13 years to complete. 

The identical procedure now costs less than $1,000 and takes three days.

But first, let’s check to see how much you already know about genetics.

The rapid pace of recent advances in genetic technology has raised a number of economic, environmental, and ethical challenges, nevertheless, that society is now grappling with. 

Your genome may directly be sequenced in a reasonably safe, rapid, and affordable manner, which means that the difficulties of doing associated genetic treatments, like genetic testing or genome editing, are also diminished. 

It also makes the technology available to a larger group of people and organizations.

Proper diet and nutrition are a must when it comes to maintaining the best condition of a genetically produced creation.

Implications of the healthcare system on genetic engineering

The same factors that influence other decisions would be used to inform decisions regarding gene editing in human health.

Health processes, begin with a comparison to current therapy modalities and the overall goal of providing cost-effective therapies.

For instance, in the future, strategies for improving bodily tissues—like the liver’s capacity to detoxify more effectively in challenging conditions—might be advocated as an anti-cancer tactic.

The following social concerns will be taken into account by the healthcare system:

  • Ensuring that health research is transparent and subject to ethical scrutiny, such as that provided by research ethics committees.
  • Preventing applications that support bias and constrictive notions of normalcy in our society
  • Preventing applications that exacerbate inequality inside and across nations, such as unfair access and culture.
  • Large variations in the relative incidence of a particular illness by geography and population may result from changes impacting uptake.

Implications of genetic testing in the United Kingdom

  • Patients supply blood samples that can be used to either analyze the complete patient’s genetic code or a gene or genes connected to a particular illness.
  • Although there are now certain testing for specific genes that may be run immediately, this is typically handled in a lab.
  • Typically, just a small number of genes are examined; however, there are whole-genome techniques that analyze every DNA letter. 
  • The 100,000 Genomes Project, which focuses on cancer and uncommon disorders, is one of them.

Anticipation of genetic testing

  • If you are aware that you have a genetic illness, you may be able to receive appropriate treatment or take steps to lessen the likelihood that the disease may manifest.
  • Even if there is no cure, knowing what your future health will be like might help you decide on things like whether or not to have children.

Concerns about Genetic Testing

  • Your level of service may be affected if third parties, such as insurance companies, had access to your genetic information.
  • The expense of genetic testing may divert funds from other NHS departments.
  • When someone in your family is informed that they may develop a genetic illness, it can strain relationships and raise worry levels.
  • However, this technique is not limited to editing the genomes of adults and children. The embryonic genomes can also be altered.
  • This editing, called germline editing, is carried out at the embryonic stage, which implies that the modification would be permanent and potentially hereditary.

Regional Testing Procedures

In the UK and the US, it is currently against the law to implant a genetically modified embryo into a woman’s womb, hence this procedure cannot be utilized unless the legislation is amended. 

Before any modification in the legislation is taken into consideration, scientists have stated that far stronger data on whether the therapy is safe and effective, as well as an inclusive public discussion, are necessary.

Genome editing advocates contend that treating genetic disorders in embryos lessens suffering and may save expenses for the larger health system. 

Those opposing say that it will lessen respect for diversity and put more pressure on racial and ethnic groups that exhibit traits associated with “disorders.”

It’s simple for people who are not afflicted by genetic disorders to write off scientific advancement as a step toward a time when we begin choosing criteria for eye or hair color from a design-your-own-baby catalog. 

However, for those like myself, who were blinded by an incurable hereditary condition, technological developments in mitochondrial replacement treatment and gene editing only give hope.

Don’t tell me you wouldn’t take the chance if it meant potentially sparing yourself or your child from disease.

Good food for Genetics

For the production of sustainable food, modern technologies are crucial. 

Even while the rate of population expansion has begun to slow down, crops have been forced to grow in more unfavorable conditions due to rising global temperatures, an increase in the frequency of floods and cyclones, a scarcity of fresh water for irrigation, and a variety of toxins. 

Future crops are expected to be produced in areas that can be controlled, such as indoor farms, in order to consume fewer resources while producing more.

Since ancient civilizations, humans have attempted to breed animals and cultivate plants to their best ability. 

Long before we had a firm grasp of DNA, people were domesticating cattle and spreading seeds they had collected in the wild.

The most desired qualities in the foods we plant are a quick time to maturity, great yields, good flavor, and disease resistance.

Plants are developed from carefully chosen seeds, via grafting (connecting plant tissues from several breeds), or by a genetic alteration in cultivated varieties (cultivars) in order to maintain desired characteristics across generations. 

A cultivar may lose one advantageous attribute while gaining another; for instance, a breed that grows more quickly might not have a superior flavor. 

Additionally, human-centered selective breeding causes the gene pool to lose some types and traits, causing hormonal imbalance, which results in a loss of genetic diversity.

Cross-breeding domesticated plants with wild species is a corrective strategy that involves looking for certain qualities in the offspring.

This laborious process could take a while if the development cycle is protracted. 

Scientists can now specify which segments of the cultivar genome are responsible for a certain feature thanks to advancements in genome sequencing and bioinformatics tools, which hastens the process of cultivar development.

What are your thoughts on this, then? 

What potential societal changes do these technologies have, in your opinion?

Here, we’ll look at some of the most important genetic technologies as well as some of the problems and discussions surrounding their application.

Genetic testing is a sort of genetic technology that is currently available. This entails conducting tests to determine the gene variants you have inherited.

They may be used for a number of things, including identifying uncommon diseases and using commercial services that provide you with a family history or medical information. 

However, a fast-emerging field is helping us better understand the impact our genes have on our life by analyzing the DNA of a vast number of people. 

This could make it easier to create medications that take into account the genetic composition of each patient.


Genetic Engineering has been bringing changes in human civilization for ages and we hope to reach an era where everything we touch or see is a result of the massive changes by its impact.

Proper food can bring about the required changes and surprise us with new outcomes!


  1. https://pmj.bmj.com/content/79/931/249 
  2. https://royalsociety.org.nz/assets/Uploads/Gene-editing-in-healthcare-technical-paper.pdf 
  3. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2017.00117/full 
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_engineering 
  5. https://assembly.coe.int/nw/xml/XRef/Xref-XML2HTML-en.asp?fileid=14968&lang=en 
  6. https://www.wma.net/policies-post/wma-statement-on-genetic-counseling-and-genetic-engineering/ 
  7. https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/genetic-technologies/infographic/ 

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