Are you concerned that you may have diabetes? Then it is important to be aware of the warning signs and symptoms.
Diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce or use insulin properly. Left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious health problems.
In this blog post, we will discuss the warning signs and symptoms of diabetes, as well as how to prevent developing the disease.
What is Diabetes?
As per, Diabetes is a condition in which the body does not produce or use. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body turn sugar into energy.
There are two main types of diabetes: type I and type II. Type I diabetes, also known as juvenile-onset diabetes, usually develops in children or young adults. In type I diabetes, the body does not produce insulin.
Type II diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes, develops gradually as people age. In this form of diabetes, the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t make enough insulin to control blood sugar levels properly.
What Are the Symptoms of Type I Diabetes?
Type I diabetes symptoms can develop quickly, over a period of weeks or even days. Thus, let’s discuss each symptom separately:
1. Increased thirst
Your daily water limit just doesn’t cut it anymore. You find yourself constantly parched and reaching for a glass of water or other beverage to quench your thirst.
If you face this, you can check your blood sugar level or visit the hospital for accurate checks.
2. Frequent urination
You may have noticed that you’ve been going to the restroom more frequently than usual. This is because increased thirst goes hand-in-hand with increased urination.Â
When your body takes in excessive amounts of fluid, some of it is excreted as urine.
Urine doesn’t contain any sugar. But if you might have diabetics, urine tests will indicate some increased sugar levels.
3. Extreme hunger
If you find yourself feeling famished all the time, it could be a symptom of diabetes.Â
When your body doesn’t have enough sugar to use for energy, it signals that you need to eat more food.
This is because your body is trying to raise your blood sugar level by releasing hormones that tell the liver to release stored sugar into the bloodstream.
4. Weight loss
Despite eating more than usual, you may still notice unexplained weight loss. This happens when your body isn’t able to use the sugar properly and starts breaking down muscle and fat for energy instead.
5. Extreme fatigue
Diabetes can lead to tiredness and a general feeling of exhaustion, even if you get a full night’s sleep. This fatigue occurs because your body cannot properly convert sugar into energy.
6. Increased blood sugar
You might do blood checks and find that the sugar level in your blood is increased. Some of the symptoms of high blood sugar include:
– A fasting blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) or higher on two separate occasions
– A random blood sugar level of 200 mg/dL or higher plus classic symptoms of diabetes such as increased thirst and urination
– An AIC (average blood sugar level over the past two to three months) test result of greater than or equal to six and a half percent.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to consult with your doctor.
What are the symptoms of Type II diabetes?
Type II diabetes may not cause any symptoms for years or even decades. When they do appear, the most common ones are:
1. Blurred vision
Over time you might feel that your vision isn’t as sharp as it used to be. This is because high blood sugar can damage the tiny blood vessels that supply your eyes with oxygen and nutrients, a condition called diabetic retinopathy.
2. Wounds that heal slowly
High blood sugar can also impede the delivery of white blood cells and infection-fighting antibodies to wounds, which makes it harder for cuts and scrapes to heal.
3. Tingling or numbness in hands or feet
This happens when nerve damage, a complication of diabetes called diabetic neuropathy, occurs. High blood sugar levels cause inflammation that damages the protective coating surrounding nerve fibers (myelin).
4. Recurrent infections
Diabetes can increase the levels of sugar in your urine, which provides a breeding ground for bacteria. This increases your risk of developing urinary tract infections, as well as other types of infection.
Urinary tract infection is the most common infection associated with diabetes.
How to prevent developing diabetics?
The best way to prevent Type II diabetes is to:
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Eat a balanced diet
- Get regular exercise
- Don’t smoke
If you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to control your blood sugar levels through diet, exercise, and medication. This will help avoid or delay the onset of complications associated with the disease.
Know the warnings to prevent diabetics complication
If you have any concerns about potential diabetes symptoms, it is important to speak with your doctor. They will be able to give you a comprehensive list of what to look out for and how to proceed if you are experiencing any of these symptoms.
If left untreated, diabetes can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and nerve damage. Knowing the symptoms of diabetics will help you get the treatment you need to avoid possible complications.
So keep this list in mind and live your life safely.
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