Have you noticed gum loss? Are you suffering from red or inflamed gums? Do you bleed while brushing your teeth often? Chances are you have gum disease and need to see a periodontist soon.
However, some methods help in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. For instance, try the 60-second daily ritual to maintain good oral health. It not only helps in preventing gum health issues but also leads to teeth whitening.
But before you reach out to your local dental care practitioner, you should have a brief understanding of the different stages of gum disease.
Gum disease is a severe and sometimes chronic infection that affects the gums. It can even penetrate to reach the jawbone. Primarily there are two types of –
- Periodontitis
- gingivitis
Gingivitis is inflation of the gums and is the initial stage of periodontitis. Gingivitis presents itself with mild symptoms that are often overlooked, thus resulting in severe periodontists. While it’s not true that all cases of gingivitis will result in periodontitis, you can effectively prevent it with proper treatment.
While gingivitis is common, it is easily preventable. A good oral hygiene routine can easily prevent its occurrence, like brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing daily, and germicidal mouthwashes.
Thus, you must remain cautious to avoid severe periodontitis, which can result in tooth loss and pose a risk as a precursor to heart and lung diseases. The bacterial growth in your mouth can destroy surrounding tissue and even the bones.
What Are The Symptoms?
While gum disease presents itself in many forms, there’s a standard list of symptoms that you will notice. It is easy to self-diagnose, but most periodontists recommend checking in to understand the situation and disease progression better.
Common symptoms include:
- Swollen and tender gums
- Bleeding or red gums
- Persistent halitosis or bad breath
- Weak gums
- Gum loss
- Receding gums
- Tooth loss
What Are The Different Stages?
Gingivitis, or gum inflammation, is a mild and reversible bacterial infection, whereas periodontitis is more severe and irreversible. When left untreated, gingivitis can progress into periodontitis.
Periodontitis can be broken into four stages of gum disease.
Stage 1: Initial
Bacterial buildup and plaque between the teeth and gums often result in unchecked gingivitis, which is the initial step of periodontitis. It is treated effectively with a thorough dental cleaning process called debridement of the teeth, mouth pockets, sockets, and gum line. However, it is essential to note that, like gingivitis, this stage is irreversible.
Stage 2: Moderate
In this stage, there is significant damage to the ligaments of the teeth’s roots and sockets in the jaw bone. The bacteria has infiltrated the gum, thus causing apartment and permanent damage to your gums and teeth.
Stage 3: Severe Periodontitis With Potential For Tooth Loss
Gum recessions and gum loss characterize this stage. Thus, you might have seen that your teeth will appear longer since the gum has been pushed back. This loss of gum then makes your teeth lose and unstable, resulting in chances for potential tooth loss. Since the gums are no longer strong and holding onto your teeth, you’ll have to undergo treatment, periodontal surgery, and dental implants. Periodontists will go with complete mouth extraction if your teeth and gums are too damaged.
Stage 4: Severe Periodontitis With Potential For Complete Tooth Loss
This is the final stage of periodontitis, wherein the mouth and gums have been so severely damaged by bacteria that there isn’t much room for treatment. It will eventually result in rapid and complete tooth loss giving you fewer options and lesser scope for improvement. If it’s too grave, you may have to consult specialty periodontists for effective treatment.
Gum health can have a massive impact on your life. The consequences are severe, from destroying your confidence to damaging your jawbones and nerves and increasing heart and lung disease risks. Thus, be sure to maintain good oral hygiene and go in for regular checkups to keep your dental health under control. Also, try at-home routines that are natural and effective.
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