It is essential to maintain healthy gums to ensure the longevity of teeth. Many people are not aware of how gum health is directly connected to overall dental health. This is the reason why people are not too worried about periodontal disease treatment in Longmont.

Gum Disease Is the Same As Periodontal Disease

Periodontal means the areas surrounding our tooth. The periodontal disease primarily attacks the bones and gums which support our teeth. The gum tissues get inflamed and infected when you get the disease. It is the bad oral bacteria that causes periodontal disease. The disease’s initial warning signs go unnoticed by many people in the early stages.

If not treated in time, the periodontal disease worsens and can cause serious oral health issues, including loss of bone support and teeth in the surrounding areas dues to gum health degradation. Researchers have found links between periodontal disease and other major health-related complications such as cardiovascular diseases, pneumonia, and diabetes. As a result of such health issues leading to gum disease, timely gum disease treatment is essential.

Symptoms Of Periodontal Disease

Like any other disease, there are early signs, even for periodontal disease. Periodontal specialists detect signs and symptoms if you go for checkups.

Gum Bleeding

It is not normal to have gums bleed. In fact, even while brushing teeth vigorously, the gums should not bleed. If your gums often bleed, then you must visit a dentist for a checkup.

Loss of Teeth

If you experience weakness or discomfort in your tooth, it could be caused by a bone or gum problem.

Teeth Spacing

If there is sudden new space between teeth, it may be caused by bone loss.

Bad Breath

If you are experiencing bad breath persistently, it is caused by oral bacteria.

Signs of Infection

If there is pus formation on the gum or around the teeth, these may be infected.


A bad sign is the redness of the gums or puffiness. The gums should never be swollen.

Gum Loss

Any signs of gum deterioration near the teeth are signals to get periodontal disease treatment in Longmont.


Any tenderness or uneasiness in the teeth or gums can be caused by plaque and bacteria build-up.

Stages Of Gum Disease

The disease has two stages: one is called Gingivitis, and the other is Periodontitis.


This is the milder stage of gum disease. Typical symptoms in this stage are bleeding of the gums during brushing or flossing, mild inflammation of the gums, bad breath all day, and slightly reddish or dark gums.


In periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth as it gets inflamed and infected. It is the more severe and advanced form of gum disease. Periodontitis is absolutely painless unless it has reached a highly advanced stage. In this more advanced stage of the disease, you will experience symptoms similar to gingivitis along with any new symptoms.

This results in the formation of pockets that are deep around the gums. This allows bad oral bacteria to get inside the gum lining and cause serious damage to the gums and supporting bone structures. At this time, it is vital to get gum disease treatment undertaken.

Periodontitis causes pain only in the extremely advanced stage when your teeth start to loosen. It also affects how your chewing works. In the advanced stages of periodontitis, you will also experience pus formation between your teeth due to the deep pockets formed in your gums.

Gum Disease Treatment

The periodontal disease treatment varies depending on the severity of the disease in each individual. There are many surgical and non-surgical effective options available to treat it. Your dentist will advise you on the possible options based on the severity and stage of your periodontitis disease.

The nonsurgical methods such as scaling and root planing are conducted simultaneously. Scaling entails the removal of the bad bacteria from the teeth and underneath the gums, while root planing involves smoothing the surface of the tooth roots to prevent bad bacteria buildup in the future.

If your periodontal disease is already in an advanced stage, then a Periodontal specialist may suggest flap surgery or pocket reduction surgery treatments for you. In both these surgical options, your dentist will make an incision in your gums and clean the roots underneath your teeth thoroughly.

Irrespective of the surgical or non-surgical gum disease treatment, your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the infection and make sure that bad bacteria beneath the gum lining are eliminated.

Is It Possible To Reverse Periodontal Disease?

Periodontitis is a more progressed stage of the disease. It often causes irreversible damage to the gums and teeth. The damage caused by periodontitis is practically not possible to reverse without intensive oral treatments. However, restorative dentistry for periodontal disease treatment may help fix a lot of the damage.

Restorative dentistry options like pocket reduction surgery, grafting of gums to fix gum recession, and bone grafts to solve the loss of bone in the jaw are available as treatments. Periodontal disease treatment in Longmont offers expert care and can work wonders for your entire oral cavity.

If you visit your dentist regularly for oral checkups, then the harm caused by gingivitis can be reversed in most cases by prescribing antibiotics and eliminating the infection in the gums.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Our gums play very important roles in our oral health. They act as the seal for the roots and structures that support our teeth. They protect our roots, and the teeth support structure from decaying and bad bacteria. In short, you need to have healthy gums to have long-lasting and healthy teeth.


It takes about 24 hours for the plaque not cleaned and removed from the teeth to become tartar. Everyday cleaning of teeth at home ensures that the plaque does not turn into tartar and controls the build-up of the same. The trick is to ensure reaching and cleaning the not-so-easily reachable areas to ensure overall good oral health.

After the completion of the periodontal disease treatment, your dentist will advise regular cleaning and maintenance, known as periodontal cleanings (part of the treatment). Periodontal cleanings are advised four times a year or once every quarter. In these cleaning sessions, the dentist will check the health of pocket depths in the gums very carefully to make sure they are in good health. The dentist will also remove any residual plaque and calculus which is not easily accessible by you on a daily basis from the top and bottom of the gum lining.

Additionally, to the periodontal check-up and cleaning, the dentist will also conduct the following:

  • Take an X-ray to examine and look for any tooth decay, cysts, and loss of bone. The X-rays assist in determining the positions of the tooth and the root.
  • Check the condition of existing dental treatments like root canals, fillings, bridges, and crowns. This will assist the dentist in catching and preventing any issue that may arise at an early stage.
  • Check and examine the surface of the teeth and identify any tooth decay.
  • Examine the throat, gum tissue, inner cheeks, and tongue for any oral cancer signs.
  • Recommend any oral hygiene changes or advise new oral hygiene methods. Advise new toothpaste and rinse. Also, suggest changing to manual or electric toothbrushes.


If you want to fix the condition of your teeth with Teeth-In-a-Day dental implants, Longmont has experts in the field waiting to treat your teeth. However, you can preserve teeth with home care. It is important to be aware and perform oral hygiene at home on a daily basis to ensure long-lasting teeth. Oral hygiene will also prevent periodontal disease. Some measures to perform at home are:

  • Brushing of teeth after every meal.
  • Replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Use an electric toothbrush as it helps remove plaque and tartar more effectively.
  • Floss every day.
  • Use mouthwash every night after brushing your teeth.
  • Regular oral health checkups with your dentist.

The above oral health practices will help your teeth and gums stay strong, and ensure long-lasting teeth.