The lockdowns of 2020 are mostly gone now, but the consequences of the world pandemic remain. The new normal brings a lot of challenges and tests for our patience, endurance, and sometimes even sanity.
Although we can now leave the house, the travel restrictions are still there, new coronavirus mutations are constantly appearing, and the tensions around vaccinations don’t seem to cease.
And if we add a deeply affected global economy and constant worry for our own health and that of our relatives, we get a situation in which it is very hard to relax.
So, here is what you can do to endure the crisis and take care of your mental health in these uncertain times.
Share Your Concerns With Friends
Feeling bad while saying you’re ok is probably one of the worst things you can do for yourself.Â
Therefore, try to open up. There must be at least one person you can talk honestly with. Actually, if you open up to someone you can trust, you might find that this person also feels troubled.Â
Sharing mutual concerns might not solve the problem, but sometimes it helps to just be heard and understood. Besides, you could get a fresh perspective on the issue that might help you cope with it.
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Don’t forget the exercise. Having a healthy sports activity will not only distract your thoughts but also use a lot of your negative energy for feeling fit and energized.
Therefore, doing yoga, power walking, running, or cycling are perfect activities for the current situation. You might want to avoid sports that involve a lot of people standing too close, such as volleyball or basketball.
Also, gardening is another great option. Helping living creatures grow is a great way to survive the strained days, and it is scientifically proven that the smell of the earth has a calming effect on the brain.
If you don’t have access to a garden, bring nature inside with plants. The simple act of taking care of a living plant can lower stress and bring a little healing satisfaction into your day. That’s why indoor-friendly plants contribute to mental well-being with their soothing presence.
Finally, don’t forget to eat and sleep well. But remember, if you live alone and don’t feel well, or just don’t have the energy to get dressed and drive somewhere, these days, you don’t even have to leave the house to get help – you can always contact an online doctor for assistance.
Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a very simple, yet very healthy practice of staying present. It might not seem like much when you read about it, but when actually practiced, mindfulness brings a great deal of relaxation and relief.
In other words, mindfulness is a form of self-care, and activities such as bathing, cleaning upholstery, or gardening can help you move attention from things you can’t change to your immediate surroundings.
Cherish Your Hobbies
Having a hobby you are passionate about can be a deal-breaker these days.
One of the main consequences of world pandemics is that a lot of us are working from home now. It has both advantages and disadvantages, but what is certain is that it can be hard at times.Â
There is a specific set of skills to successfully sustain work from home and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
For example, you should practice some kind of art, design, or craft. It could be something entirely new, or something you used to do before but didn’t find much time for it lately.
It can be woodcarving, embroidery, simply reading a good book, or watching an exciting movie.
If It’s Too Hard, Seek Professional Help
It is the 21st century, and it is time to break the stigma of going to therapy. Finding a professional psychologist or psychiatrist could not only help you get over your troubles but also get to know yourself better.
Substances Are Only Short-Term Solution
It is a public secret that since the quarantine started, people have abused various kinds of substances, alcohol above all. Remember that these substances never solve any issues, only postpone the solutions. Besides, some of them are addictive, and can only get you into new kinds of trouble.
Your Anxiety Is Completely Normal
The symptoms of anxiety are:
- feeling restless
- irritable
- tense
- out of control
- insomnia
- it is hard to stop worrying.
It is important to recognize these symptoms and, instead of fighting them, understand that they are perfectly normal.Â
Accepting your anxiety doesn’t mean giving up on trying to solve your problems. On the contrary, accepting it is the first step towards solving your problems.
Unless accepted as such, anxiety lingers in the body and has negative effects on your mental and physical health.
If accepted and understood, anxiety can actually help you survive better and sympathize with yourself.
Kindness Is the Key
Finally, remember that times are hard and that we all deserve a pat on the shoulder for doing our best. So do you, and so do people from your surroundings. Show understanding for yourself as much as you show it to others, and things will immediately become easier.
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