You want to have a baby, and you’ve heard about fertility medication. That sounds like the perfect plan. You can take a pill and start trying again in no time. But before you go ahead with this plan, it’s essential that you know everything there is to know about these drugs. Keep reading for an ultimate guide on fertility medications. In Celebration, Florida, there are some reliable facilities you can approach for help. However, look for a competent specialist at fertility medication in Celebration for a good experience.

What is Fertility Medication, and How Does it Work?

Fertility medication helps to stimulate ovulation in women with fertility issues. It is used by women who haven’t had success conceiving naturally. This is not the same as taking an antibiotic for a bacterial infection, where you’d expect it to work 100% of the time. Ovulation induction with drugs only works about 40-60% of the time. Don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t work the first time. It might take several rounds of fertility medication for some women to conceive.

Fertility medications are typically oral drugs. They can also be injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly. However, different women react differently to the medication depending on their age and other factors. A doctor or specialist administering your fertility medication may initially recommend starting with a low dose if they think it might not work.

What are the Major Types of Fertility Medication?

Clomiphene citrate is one of the most popular types of fertility medications. It is also generic and usually prescribed for women with irregular periods, ovulation disorders, and endometriosis.

It helps to stimulate estrogen production, which helps boost the release of eggs from the ovaries. Clomiphene citrate can cause side effects like hot flashes, headaches, ovarian cysts, weight gain, bloating, nausea, breast tenderness, and mood swings.

How Long Do Fertility Medications Take?

You must understand that every woman’s experience is different with fertility medications. If you take clomiphene citrate, it usually takes about 3 to 4 months.

However, some women find that they need to take clomiphene citrate for up to six months before they start ovulating again. And not every woman has side effects with fertility medications either. You can expect your doctor to prescribe you a small dose of clomiphene citrate to start with.

Gonadotropins Fertility Medications

Gonadotropins are fertility hormones like follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). These drugs help stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. They’re more expensive than clomiphene citrate, but they work faster than clomiphene citrate, and they’re also more effective. You can expect to conceive within just a few months of beginning gonadotropins.

However, you mustn’t mistake these fertility medications for those used by bodybuilders as anabolic steroids. These drugs are used on women who have ovulatory problems and fertility issues. Injectable fertility medications contain pure FSH hormones. These drugs were used to help women with low ovarian reserves or very poor-quality eggs in the past.

Fertility medications are worth considering as these drugs can help stimulate ovulation in women who haven’t had success conceiving naturally. They’re typically oral pills taken for up to six months before they start working and sometimes even longer than that. Gonadotropins are more expensive and work much faster, with the first few cycles of treatment being very effective at helping patients conceive quickly.