The five senses we possess as humans are crucial for us to live a regular life. These include; smell, taste, touch, sight, and sound. When one of these senses starts to fail, we notice it in small ways at first – like not being able to complete tasks as well as we could before.
Some people are born without some of these senses, and their bodies learn to compensate to make up for the loss. As we age, our senses often start to fail, which leads us to find ways to slow down or stop the degradation.
This article will focus on our sense of sight and help to identify ten tips to improve our vision.
- Eye Exercises
Eye exercises won’t make a marked improvement to your vision, but they can decrease eye strain and discomfort, which makes your vision worse. A condition known as digital eye strain affects so many people who work on computers during the day.
There are several different eye exercises that you can do to help decrease the strain on your eyes. Even just the simple act of blinking can help refresh your eyes and improve your focus.
Exercising your eyes is part of what is known as vision therapy and has been proven to yield beneficial results.
- Consume More Vitamin A
Vitamin A is crucial for your vision. This vitamin helps your eyes by maintaining a clear cornea. The cornea is the outer layer that covers your eye. Vitamin A is also a vital component of rhodopsin, one of the proteins in your eyes that help you see in the dark.
This is where the adage of eating carrots for good vision comes from because carrots are high in Vitamin A!
- Walk More
Walking is an effective cardiovascular exercise. Cardio exercises help to improve your vision by increasing the blood flow to your eyes and optic nerve. By walking briskly for just twenty minutes a day, you can help to improve your eyesight.
That is a vital tip for people with glaucoma. Vision problems and eye diseases often stem from high blood pressure, erratic blood sugar levels, and high cholesterol levels.
By simply exercising more, you can improve your general state of health, which, in turn, will improve your vision.
- Wear Your Glasses
If you have vision problems, you will need to wear your glasses to see – but this is more than just that. Wearing your prescription glasses help you to see, but they will also help to improve your vision over time.
Prescription glasses counteract any physical irregularities of your eye, which will improve your vision over time. When you wear glasses, your entire visual perception changes, and not just your physical vision.
That is why wearing glasses can improve your vision because they help train your eyes to see clearer. If your glasses are new, be prepared for your eyes to take about two weeks to get used to them.
- Get Enough Sleep
Everyone knows that when you don’t sleep enough, it shows all over your face. However, most people do not know that your eyes suffer too when you do not sleep enough.
Many medical studies have shown that the average person requires at least five hours of sleep a night for their eyes to renew themselves. Please note – broken or bad sleep will not count – you need to get in a solid five hours of decent sleep, minimum.
- Laser Eye Surgery
LASIK eye surgery works by reshaping your cornea. Your cornea is the clear and rounded surface layer on your eye that works by refracting the light that enters your eye. A special kind of cutting laser is used during the surgery, which takes around ten minutes per eye.
Find LASIK, Utah providers to try this alternative to spectacles; you won’t regret it. LASIK surgery will improve your vision with the first twenty-four hours after the surgery, and it lasts for ten to fifteen years.
- See Your Eye Doctor
If you’re particularly worried about your vision or if your glasses don’t seem to be working anymore, you need to make an appointment to see your eye doctor. Ideally, you should visit your eye doctor once or twice a year for a check-up.
These scheduled visits will help to identify and treat any vision problems long before they become a permanent issue in your life.
- Quit Smoking
Smoking increases the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, or glaucoma. Cigarette smoking remains the global-leading cause of preventable disease and disability.
Cigarette smoke is made up of so many toxins that not only damage your overall health but have also been shown to cause cerebral lesions in the area of your brain that is responsible for processing your vision.
You should have your eyes examined often if you are a smoker.
- Eat Fish
Salmon and other oily fish have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids have an important role in visual development and the overall health of your retina. Eat fish at least three times a week to get the most benefits for your peepers.
Eating more fish can also help to prevent your eyes from drying out when you’re working behind a screen all day long.
- Take Supplements
Many studies have been done on the relationship between vitamin supplements and vision, which have yielded some extraordinary results. The results showed that high doses of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and zinc reduced the risk of developing vision loss over time.
Along with those vitamins, you can also include carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as vitamin B1. Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. Be sure to check the labels on your supplement bottle to make sure that you are getting enough of these super vitamins.
In Conclusion
Vision is such an important sense; you need to do your best to look after your eyes so that they can look after you. That way you can put off needing visual assistance until you’re well into your years.
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