You would be shocked to know that most of the problems occur in your body due to obesity. Weight gain could be a result of multiple reasons, and — if left unchecked — it can cause serious issues like a heart attack.

Moreover, the weight loss journey can be different for every person. Some people can achieve the desired results by exercising and dieting, but others might need extra effort.

Read this article to gather all the required information about sleeve gastrectomy.

What is sleeve gastrectomy?

Gastric sleeve surgery or sleeve gastrectomy is a popular method for weight loss. The primary goal is to reduce the daily calorie intake by cutting a significant amount of “stomach.”

Yes, you read that right. The surgery literally removes a section of the stomach. This means a smaller organ footprint. So, in turn, the person would eat less food and eventually lose weight in the process.

What are the benefits of sleeve gastrectomy?

As compared to other surgeries for weight loss, a gastric sleeve is considered to be a far better option. Some advantages would include:

  • Less time-consuming
  • Absorbing nutrients becomes easier for the body
  • Provides protection against many life-threatening problems
  • Effective weight loss
  • The procedure is less complicated
  • Fewer chances of further complications
  • Adjustments are not required

How does sleeve gastrectomy work?

As you would know by now that during the surgery a part of the stomach that produces hunger hormones is removed. So, the stomach holds less food, thus leading to weight loss. Here’s how the doctors perform the surgery:

  • Small trocars are inserted by making incisions on the abdominal wall.
  • The blood vessels situated on the lateral side of the stomach are divided after a thorough inspection.
  • Bougie tube is used as a sizer for your stomach.
  • The stomach is divided into two parts with the help of a stapler.
  • After the division of the stomach is complete, only 25 percent of the original stomach remains intact.

What are the basic required preparations?

Listen to your doctor carefully for instructions and follow them without fail. Moreover, there are certain precautions that could help you to be better prepared for your surgery:

  • Quit smoking
  • Switch to a liquid diet a week before
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Before taking any medications, consult your doctor

What are the common risk factors?

No surgery in this world can give you a hundred percent guarantee. Similarly, a major surgery like sleeve gastrectomy also poses possible issues, either short-term or long-term. It’s a rare chance that any complication would be fatal, but you should still be vigilant and visit a doctor if needed.

Possible complications could be:

  • Blood clots
  • Infection
  • Breathing problem
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Hernias
  • Vomiting
  • Low blood sugar
  • Malnutrition

How much weight will you lose?

You have to keep in mind that your weight loss journey might be different from others. So, before entering into this program, remember to be patient and keep your expectations in check. In general, a person could end up losing a good chunk of weight through this surgery.

In the beginning, people lose approximately a pound of weight on a daily basis. It might take up to 24 weeks to reach your desired weight.

What to expect after the surgery?

After your surgery, you would be required to make certain changes in your lifestyle. You could experience some reactions in your body like body aches, dry skin, mood swings, hair loss, and perpetually feeling tired.

What should you remember?

  • Keep your incisions dry and clean
  • Don’t skip your medications
  • Visit the doctor regularly
  • It’s necessary to stay hydrated
  • Avoid any laborious tasks for a while
  • Take your vitamins and supplements
  • Stick to the diet plan recommended by your doctor

When should you rush to the doctor?

  • You have a really high fever
  • Too much pain
  • You see excessive pus
  • There’s a difficulty in swallowing liquids
  • Perpetual nausea


No matter how good this weight loss procedure might sound, you should keep this as your last resort. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to seek professional advice before you make up your mind.