When you think of emergency alert systems, you might assume these medical technology devices are exclusive to senior care. If so, then think again, because personal alert devices are for everybody in all stages of life and in any kind of health condition. No matter what your age or situation, read on about insightful points about emergency alert systems, what they are, and how this safety and medical technology can improve your life.
What is a Medical Emergency Alert System?
Traditional medical alert systems (or MEAS) use technology to allow the user to contact emergency services at the press of a button. A button radio transmitter is worn on a necklace, wristband, or belt. When the button is pressed, a signal goes to a base station that is connected to a landline. The base station then connects with emergency response teams alerting them that the MEAS has been activated. Most base stations allow for two-way conversation in which the user can speak to the emergency response member, letting them know the nature of the emergency.
Two Different Types of Emergency Alert Systems
The two primary types of MEAS are broken down into 1) in-home units and 2) mobile, wearable devices. The distinctions are that an in-home unit provides monitoring in the household only, whereas a mobile unit allows the user to have emergency service access wherever they go.Â
As mentioned, in-home units plug into an electrical outlet and a phone jack (or use a cellular service if a landline is not available), and will only monitor the user within the home. In this instance, a device called a panic button is pressed, activating the home unit which notifies first responders of an emergency.Â
Mobile, wearable MEAS devices use cellular service for connectivity and are typically equipped with GPS so first responders can locate the user in case of an emergency. To get a clear idea about which type of MEAS is right for you, we recommend this full review of emergency alert systems on Health.com
Different Applications and Uses For Emergency Alert Systems
The most common and well-known application for MEAS technology is used for senior citizens, especially if they live alone. However, there are other uses for these life-saving devices you may not have considered. Here are a few examples of how people from all different walks of life are using emergency alert systems.
Colleges and Campuses: Students, staff, and teachers are turning to MEAS technology for peace of mind, added security, and extra protection. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, theft, assault, and sex offenses account for 43% of college campus crimes. With a MEAS, law enforcement can be alerted immediately, providing valuable protection in potentially dangerous situations.
Adventure Seekers: Extreme adventurers who love to go off the beaten trail while hiking, biking, camping, or mountain climbing are starting to use MEAS in case of emergencies. It’s especially useful in these situations because remote destinations often do not have cellular signals. But a GPS-equipped MEAS can be activated so that first responders can deliver aid if an adventure takes a turn for the worse.
Elder Care: According to the aforementioned Health.com article, MEAS devices can be crucial to assisting older people to stay safe and healthy in the home. The article reveals that 1 in 5 falls experienced by the elderly are serious or even fatal. A medical alert device can get seniors medical attention when they need it in case of accidents or sudden illness.
On the Job: Some occupations pose more potential for dangers on the job than others. For example, if you’re a taxi driver or run a courier service, you never know what kind of hazards you may run into. People who work solo and deal with unvetted clients benefit from MEAS devices to help protect them from harm or imminent dangers on the job.
New Parents: Having a newborn is rife with potential accidents and medical uncertainties. New parents are relying more upon MEAS systems so they have access to fast medical attention for their infants. Additionally, parents with many children are opting for alert systems because many children often lead to unexpected situations. In the event the unthinkable might happen in an accident or sudden illness, a MEAS is a protective measure to ensure the wellbeing of children.
During Illness or Injury: In some cases, people elect to employ or install a MEAS because they have a pre-existing illness, medical condition, or have already sustained an injury. In these instances, an emergency alert device can help if an illness worsens, or another injury is sustained in the home.
Empty-Nesters: When adult children move away from home, they often want a MEAS installed in their parent’s house. This is a loving act that relieves a lot of anxiety for both parents and the adult child. An emergency alert system provides extra security for parents who are empty-nesters and living alone.
Benefits of an Emergency Alert System
As mentioned here and in the thorough Health.com review for MEAS devices, the benefits of these medical technological miracles are endless. Here are a few additional advantages as you consider the advantages of these life-saving devices.
Easy to Use and Install:Â Most devices can be installed and activated in just a few minutes. They are easy to use by simply pressing a button to alert first responders of an emergency or mishap.
Programmable and Adaptable:Â Many of the medical emergency systems offer a range of extra options. Some of these features include fall detection, apps that alert family members or caregivers, activity calculators, and two-way speech capability.
Full-Time Monitoring:Â Almost all MEAS on the market today offer monitoring services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That means you or your caregiver have constant contact with your safety and wellbeing.
Adjustable Pricing: According to the Health.com emergency alert system review, there are a variety of options when it comes to paying for a MEAS. With monthly services ranging from $19.99 to $49.95, there is likely a reasonable payment plan available. Furthermore, your insurance may cover some of the expenses, and organizations such as AARP may offer discounts.
Still, Have Questions?
If after reading this guide to personal emergency alert systems you find yourself still questioning what option is best for you, check out Health.com’s latest reviews on MEAS. With a little research and smart assessments, you are bound to find the right medical alert device that meets your needs. At the end of the day, MEAS devices are life-savers and have the capability to keep you or your loved ones safe and well.
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