Observing oral health practices is equally important as taking care of your overall health. Most people practice dental hygiene to prevent getting cavities and periodontal disease. However, dental hygiene goes beyond this since your oral health affects your general well-being too. Various medical conditions such as pneumonia, cardiovascular disease, and endocarditis have been linked to poor oral hygiene. Observing oral hygiene may lower your risk of developing these diseases and improve your quality of life. Part of oral or dental hygiene is visiting your specialist for regular check-ups to maintain healthy teeth. Below are practices that Dr. Jeremy K. Ueno recommends during a routine dental check-up

Use the correct technique when brushing.

Brushing twice each day is a common practice that most people are aware of. Brushing helps remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles on your teeth’ surface. It is important to note that brushing is only effective when the proper technique is applied. It would be best to brush your front teeth as you proceed to the back using small circular motions and not the back and forth movements. Your dentist may advise that you use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid bruising your gums and damaging tooth enamel. A hard-bristled toothbrush may result in tooth sensitivity and gum erosion. Getting a new toothbrush every three months or when bristles begin to fray is also necessary.

Limit your intake of starches and sweetened beverages

Processed drinks such as soda contain a lot of sugar, which can result in cavities. The sugar in your mouth breaks down into an acid which wears down your tooth enamel. Starchy foods such as pasta, chips, and bread can also result in tooth decay. Instead, you should eat plenty of fresh crispy fruits and vegetables and dairy products with no added sugar. Your specialist may also recommend drinking plenty of water instead of sipping on sweet beverages throughout the day. While eliminating these food substances may not be necessary, being mindful is so important.

Use an antibacterial mouthwash.

While brushing and flossing may help eliminate plaque, an antibacterial mouthwash cleans the crevices where other techniques cannot reach. Using a mouthwash also reduces the amount of acid in your mouth, lowering your risk of having tooth decay. Different types of mouthwash contain various components. Your dentist may advise appropriately on which kind of mouthwash is suitable for you. Mouthwash is also effective for children or older adults who may find brushing and flossing challenging.

Visit your dentist regularly.

A routine dental check-up is essential as your dentist assesses your oral health by checking for cavities, mouth cancer, and gum disease signs. Your dentist may use imaging tests such as an x-ray to check for cavities. A dental examination may also involve deep cleaning, where your dentist will remove plaque and hardened tartar. Visiting your doctor regularly lowers your risk of oral health problems and improves your general well-being. The typical time frame for visiting your dentist is after every six months. However, this may vary for different people depending on factors such as age and general health condition.

You do not have to wait until you develop a cavity or tooth decay before you seek treatment. Book a session with your dentist at Ueno Center Dental Specialist for a check-up to maintain that healthy smile.