Infertility is a deeply personal topic that few people like to discuss. But what is IVF, and who should consider it? Dr. Mohit Saraogi, a Mumbai-based IVF expert, was contacted to learn more about the matter.

Mohit Saraogi is one of Mumbai’s top fertility specialists. With over 13 years of expertise in IVF treatment, he holds specialties in Gynaecology, Obstetrics, and Clinical Embryology. He has experience with IVF and other fertility therapies such as IUI, ICSI, and IMSI. Dr. Mohit Saraogi, a top IVF doctor in Mumbai, has an above-average IVF treatment success rate of over 45 percent. He was awarded the prestigious Best IVF specialist in India (2018-19) award for his contributions in fertility. He’s also a member of India’s Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies.

The India IVF services market is predicted to reach $1.45 billion by 2026, according to a report published in 2019, with a compound annual growth rate of 14.7 percent from 2019 to 2026. The rate of infertility is expected to climb throughout time due to changing lifestyles and environmental causes such as pollution, stress, and so on. Doctors, on the other hand, have expressed worry about the hush surrounding infertility. Because it is still not considered a medical condition, the number of infertile and sub-fertile people is not reported correctly. Because of improvements in the IVF industry, various infertility treatments are now available to practically everyone.

To learn more about the matter, we contacted a fertility expert. The following are some excerpts:

Infertility is a deeply personal topic; how do you believe you might raise public awareness about this prevalent problem?

In India, infertility is seen as a sign of weakness and a reason to dismiss people. Our goal is to raise awareness and educate people about infertility as a medical condition. We want people to treat this like any other condition, and we want them to seek medical advice.

When patients develop a sense of trust in the medical aid they are receiving; they are more willing to share their issues, making it easier to devise the best treatment.

Infertility appears to be a catch-all word for any issues relating to a couple’s inability to conceive. What is IVF, and who should consider it? 

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a term for fertilization that takes place outside of the human body. This happens in an embryology lab, where a woman’s oocytes (eggs) and a man’s sperm are fertilized together in culture conditions to create an embryo. The embryo is then returned to the womb to begin the process of pregnancy. IVF technology improves the chances of conception for couples who are having difficulty conceiving.

A young couple under 30 who has attempted unsuccessfully to conceive naturally for a year should see a fertility specialist for further evaluation. After 6 months of fruitless attempts, women over the age of 35 should contact a reproductive doctor. Women who know their egg numbers are low (low ovarian reserve), women whose fallopian tubes are blocked, and men with poor sperm quality are likely to require IVF and should not delay.

IVF is the most effective infertility treatment for most individuals, including polycystic ovarian syndrome, tubal blockages, womb abnormalities, endometriosis, and low egg counts. Men with low sperm counts and poor sperm quality will require an upgraded method called Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), in which sperm is assisted in fertilizing the egg. According to the Mumbai-based IVF expert, the female’s age and her infertility define when she should go for IVF after being given a fertility treatment method.

The success rate of IVF tends to decrease as women get older. To increase your chances of success, it’s best to seek advice early on.

Fertility treatments are exceedingly expensive, which deters many people from pursuing them. Is there a more cost-effective alternative, or is there a program for such women? 

In India, IVF therapy costs between Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,25,000, whereas a standard IVF cycle costs between Rs. 75,0000 to 11,25,000 in wealthy countries like the United States and Europe. Because most fertility doctors, consultants, and caretakers in India speak English, patients and their families can better comprehend therapy and feel safer.

IVF is thought to be expensive in India, even though it is one of the most cost-effective IVF procedures in the world. Anyone from a middle-class or higher socioeconomic background who earns roughly Rs. 10,000 per month has the financial means to undergo one IVF round in their lifetime, giving them a good chance of becoming pregnant. India is well-positioned for medical tourism worldwide since it offers the most comprehensive IVF treatment at the lowest price.

Is it necessary to take a break between IVF cycles? 

Although biological conditions vary from person to person, an IVF treatment cycle typically lasts four weeks. Following egg retrieval, a patient must wait for fertilization of the egg with sperm and embryo transfer, as well as a pregnancy test to determine whether they require another IVF cycle. A new process can usually begin four to six weeks after the previous cycle has ended. A treatment cycle can occasionally result in a miscarriage or a rare ectopic pregnancy. It may take longer to heal in this instance. Dr. Mohit Saraogi, a Mumbai IVF expert, encourages patients to wait until they have fully recovered physically and emotionally from the previous failed IVF cycle before starting another.

What are the choices for women who want to postpone having children, given that female fertility falls with age? 

Women have about 2 million eggs in their ovaries when they are born. As they get older, their egg supply begins to dwindle. This has nothing to do with birth control, pregnancy, hormone production, health, living a healthy lifestyle, or taking nutritional supplements. 

IVF is a well-known, scientifically validated technology that offers options tailored to the individual’s needs, such as oocyte (egg) cryopreservation for future fertilization. Another is ovarian tissue cryopreservation, in which a woman undergoing cancer treatment freezes the ovarian cortex, which can then be thawed and re-implanted when she is cancer-free, restoring ovarian function.