A baby’s digestive system is bustling when they first enter the world, absorbing nutrients and processing waste as food and fluids are consumed. It’s no wonder that certain tummy troubles tend to pop up since that system is still developing. The more you know about these common culprits, the better your baby will feel. Whether you’re dealing with a cranky baby or a sick baby, you’ll be able to spot them right away.
- Gas Pain
While she’s digesting, air can get trapped in her belly and get stuck as a balloon in her intestines, causing pressure and pain. The bacteria living in a baby’s gut produce gas naturally. The cry, the fuss, and the feeding of the bottle can all add air to the bottle. Symptoms of gas pain can be a bloated belly or arching back, squirming, or squirming a lot because the baby is uncomfortable.
Use gripe water for babies or gently bicycle baby’s legs forward and back or push knees into his chest.
- Spitting Up
Reflux, also known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), is spitting up. As babies have an immature digestive system, when they eat fast, the valve that closes off the stomach from the esophagus so that food and liquid can’t go back up reopens. As long as the Baby seems fine after spitting up, spitting up is just spitting up. When a baby coughs, chokes, gaggings, turns blue, has poor weight gain, or if he vomits intensely, that’s a medical problem.
After the Baby has digested, give him a burp halfway through so excess air can be expelled before it gets trapped. Pat her back while she’s lying on her stomach.
- Reflux Disease
In cases of frequent spitting up, a baby’s doctor may diagnose him with GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
Approximately one-third of babies suffer from GER. Reflux disease symptoms in infants include frequently crying during or after feedings and coughing, wheezing, gagging, or choking.
After feeding, keep the baby’s head elevated and burp often. A few books or pillows underneath the mattress might help the baby move a little more in his sleep by lifting his head about 30 degrees.
- Constipation
If your baby is not in pain, they can poop anywhere from eight to ten times a day to once every seven to ten days. Instead, constipation refers to when they can’t poop. A baby can develop constipation when switching to a new food, such as breastmilk to formula, formula to regular milk, or introducing a new solid. A baby’s poop that is blood-red, black, or maroon is a warning sign. If you see blood, call the doctor right away.
Consult baby’s doctor first. Depending on their age, you may be able to give him/her some apple or pear juice (one ounce per month up until the baby is four months old).
- Diarrhea
The term diarrhea refers to rather frequent, loose, watery stools in babies. It can cause babies to become dangerously dehydrated, which is scary. Some foods can also cause problems, especially if she ate something contaminated or spoiled.
The Baby’s pediatrician will weigh her and try to figure out the cause of weight loss and treat it accordingly. Having an electrolyte solution, such as Pedialyte, can prevent dehydration as well. If your baby is eating solid foods, try feeding them the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.
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