While dental problems are often painful, nagging, and generally somewhat embarrassing, the good news is that there are tons of ways to prevent dental complaints effectively. And there are also several effective treatments, even for severe complaints. Eating a healthy balanced diet, brushing regularly with a soft-bristle toothbrush, using floss, and keeping up to date with twice-yearly dental checkups at Sandy dental care or a dentist near you is essential to keeping your oral health in stellar condition.
While taking measures to ensure your teeth, gums, and tongue are always healthy is crucial, it is also essential to know how to identify the most common dental complaints. Not all dental problems require professional treatments, as some can be managed and treated effectively at home. On the other hand, some complaints require immediate medical attention, and knowing the difference will ensure your oral health never degrades. These are the most common dental complaints and effective solutions to treat them.
Bad Breath
Bad breath can impact anyone’s self-confidence. And while some believe that bad breath is a minor complaint, it is medically referred to as halitosis, and it can have a massive impact on your everyday life. So, if you find yourself often reaching for breath mints and feeling embarrassed about your breath, you may have halitosis, which several dental conditions can cause. For this reason, halitosis should never be left, as breath mints will only serve as a quick fix that will fade fast.
Gum disease, oral cancer, cavities, dry mouth, and tongue bacteria can all cause halitosis. If tongue bacteria is the concern, thoroughly brushing your tongue with a tongue scraper daily may reduce the severity. However, suppose this does not solve the issue. In that case, you must consult your dentist to determine the underlying cause, as bad breath is the symptom of another, potentially more severe dental condition.
Tooth Decay
It can be undeniably frightening to notice a decaying tooth in your mouth, especially if it’s a front tooth. The blackening areas of a tooth can be unsightly and leave you feeling as though you should avoid smiling altogether. However, even though tooth decay often appears extremely severe at first glance, there are often times when the tooth can be repaired without a checkup. If the decay has only just started, you should avoid hard bristle toothbrushes, change your toothpaste and mouthwash, and gently brush the tooth twice daily after meals to allow the enamel a chance to repair itself.
Tooth decay is usually caused by the wearing down of the protective layer of the enamel on a tooth, which is why hard brushing is often a cause. Other causes can include smoking and other bad habits. However, if the tooth is painful, you will need to visit your dentist to have the tooth rebuilt or removed and replaced in worse-case scenarios.
Gum Disease
Gum disease, or gingivitis, is a lot more common than most of us could ever imagine. The inflammation of the gums caused by the complaint can also be pretty painful. Most patients who experience gum disease also experience bleeding and tender gums. The gums can also change in color to a deep red or even purple. Other symptoms include bad breath and tooth sensitivity. Risk factors include smoking, poor eating habits, and lousy oral hygiene.
If you are experiencing gum disease, it is always best to consult your dentist as soon as possible. Unfortunately, attempting to treat gum disease at home can potentially worsen the symptoms and enhance the risks of tooth loss.
Oral Cancer
Oral cancer is another dental complaint that is severe and far more common than most are aware of. Unfortunately, you will have to consult your dentist to determine a suitable treatment plan as this complaint cannot be neglected as it will worsen and can be fatal, as most types of cancers can be fatal. Regular dental visits can help identify the early signs of dental cancer. And the significant risk factors include an unhealthy diet, lack of proper oral hygiene habits, smoking, and other underlying health conditions.
Mouth Sores
There are various types of mouth sores, and most of them are pretty bothersome and pesky. However, unless the sore lasts longer than two weeks, you might not have to visit your dentist. Canker sores are the most common type that occurs inside the mouth. Even though canker sores are not contagious, many factors can trigger them. Although you only need to worry if they don’t clear up on their own in two weeks. Fever blisters and cold sores are also common, and using over-the-counter numbing gels and treatments is a safe solution to heal the blister.
Be sure to use suitable mouthwash and dental hygiene habits if you have a mouth sore, as you want to keep bacteria out of the afflicted area. If the sore does not clear up in two weeks, visit your dentist to determine the cause and suitable treatment options.
Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth sensitivity can be excruciating, and a number of factors can cause sensitivity. If you experience pain or discomfort when eating hot or cold foods, you have tooth sensitivity. Other foods that can trigger discomfort include sweets. Tooth sensitivity can signify a cracked tooth, tooth decay, tooth erosion, or even gum disease.
Fortunately, there are suitable effective treatments for sensitivity. However, you will have to visit your dentist to determine the underlying cause, as sensitivity is a symptom rather than a stand-alone dental complaint.
The best ways to avoid developing dental complaints include leading a healthy lifestyle, eating correctly, following a balanced diet, brushing your teeth gently and regularly with the right products, and flossing often. In addition, you must also visit your dentist at least twice every year for a checkup to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and in ideal condition. Because dental complaints as minor as yellowing teeth can impact your self-confidence, it’s always best to protect your teeth with the guidance of an expert dentist.
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