Photo Credit: T H Chia (Unsplash)

As we likely know, after 18 months of living through a pandemic, our frontline workers put their health at risk to save those in need. However, like a worker in absolutely any industry, health and safety training is a legal requirement for healthcare workers, and here are some of the most pertinent reasons why: 

An Increase in Workplace Injuries

It is no secret that healthcare workers are expected to work long hours. As a result of this, it is easy for people to make mistakes that cause injury. In fact, statistics show that when it comes to workplace injury claims, the healthcare sector tends to be more dangerous than mining, manufacturing, and even construction. It’s evident that safety training courses are needed in the healthcare industry to ensure that staff is informed about the safety regulations to prevent injuries. 

A Shortage of Healthcare Workers 

The fact that doctors, nurses, and other health professionals are often so overworked is because of a shortage of staff in general. When a member of healthcare staff is forced to take time off work because of an injury, it is detrimental for the whole team and puts additional pressure on systems that are already at breaking point.  

Physical Violence Against Healthcare Workers

It is an aspect of the job that nobody likes to talk about, but violence towards healthcare workers is a huge issue. In fact, it is believed that healthcare workers are more likely to experience some violence than law enforcement officers. Specialist safety training courses help prepare frontline workers for such incidents and ensure they know how to react in order to keep themselves safe. 

A Reduction of Costs

Investing in good health and safety training courses can play an important role in reducing costs for the workplace. Not only do fewer workplace injuries mean increased productivity, but fewer claims can also make a huge difference to the bottom line. Like any other industry, the healthcare sector can become open to scrutiny via inspection. When a facility hasn’t maintained the level of health and safety protocols required, it can lead to various fines. 

Improved Company Culture

Implementing a strong health and safety policy helps build better relations with staff. It’s vital that your staff feels valued, especially in a field of work where workers have to put in long hours and perform repetitive tasks. Furthermore, young people entering the job market look to work at organizations that have a good company culture, so it is crucial to building a positive reputation if you want to hire the best talent. 

Healthcare workers are significant members of the workforce who often put the safety of their patients above their own interests. However, they are not immune from the risk of workplace injuries, and require a certain level of training to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to these rules. Implementing a strong health and safety culture can also make large strides when it comes to making people feel valued, which is crucial for morale.