Millions of adults suffer from vision impairment and blindness. While it is undoubtedly true that not every case can be avoided, there are ways to keep your eyes healthy and minimize the chances of developing any conditions that can affect it in the future. Of all our senses, sight is the one that many of us rely on the most, after all. And to maintain our quality of life, it is critical to ensure that it functions the way that it is supposed to. To this end, here are a few tips to safeguard and save your vision.

  1. Wear sunglasses on sunny days

Direct sunlight can be dangerous because it can hasten the formation of cataracts. With that said, sunglasses with UV blocking features can delay its development. They can also prevent damage to the retina and keep the eyelid’s delicate skin protected to ensure that skin cancer and wrinkles are avoided. However, the efficacy of sunglasses will depend on the quality of their UV protection. So make sure that the item blocks both UV-A and UV-B rays a hundred percent.

  1. Avoid smoking

Smoking has been directly linked to a number of health conditions that include but aren’t necessarily limited to, AMD or macular degeneration. Research shows that smokers are far more likely to develop this eye disease than those who don’t. People who smoke tobacco may also be at higher risk of developing cataracts. As such, it is imperative to avoid smoking. Not only will you be healthier by doing so, but you’ll also protect your vision.

  1. Eat healthily

Deficiency in nutrition can have an impact on our eyesight more than people might think. In actuality, the retinal function can be impaired with vitamin inadequacy. While there is some truth to the common belief that carrots can improve vision, fruits and vegetables should always be a part of everyone’s diet. Studies have found that people who eat food that is high in Zinc, omega-3, and Vitamins E and C are at less of a risk of developing eye conditions like AMD and cataracts.

  1. Take an eye exam

Whether you are at risk and show any signs of eye diseases or not, it is good standard practice to have an eye exam, especially once you hit forty because this is the time when symptoms of conditions or changes in eyesight tend to occur. Based on the initial screening results, the ophthalmologist may recommend a follow-up or prescribe products like Eysuvis if diseases like dry eyes are found. The frequency of the tests and eye examinations will depend on a number of factors, but it is crucial to have your eyes checked every so often.

For the majority of us, our vision is our most dominant sense. While we may take it for granted, any impairment or loss in eyesight can have a significant effect on our lives. As such, it is vital that we take care of our eyes. And with the tips laid out above, you’ll be able to minimize the risks of developing any conditions that could negatively affect your vision.