The COVID19 pandemic caused huge uncertainty across economies. Companies across various sectors had to reorganize to deal with the situation. 

The healthcare industry saw a major upheaval during the crisis. With a surge in demand and a lack of proper infrastructure, it was an eye-opener for sure. 

Life after COVID19 will change because of the change in consumer preferences and the way companies operate. The healthcare industry has brought in major technological reforms to be prepared for the future. 

Changes Caused by COVID19 Pandemic

Here in this segment, we shall be focusing on the absolute and expected changes because of the pandemic.


  • What will surely change?

There is massive pressure on healthcare workers in the current situation. Most of them will be dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. There can be an expected change in the way people operate. Most people will try to get their maximum work done from home without traveling a lot. Governments across the globe will be focusing on upgrading the healthcare system to be prepared for a crisis of this scale in the future.

  • What can change?

There can be a provision for an immunity passport. Once a person is termed immune to the virus, he/she can freely travel for work or other purposes. There can be an increased level of surveillance on people for dealing with the public health crisis in the future. Some of the habits, such as handwashing for 20 seconds, can be useful in the long run for health purposes.

  • What should change?

The use of technology such as AI and Machine Learning can be beneficial for the healthcare industry. It can help speed up the operations and also assist in medical research. Another significant change is going to be the shift in point of care. Telehealth saw a massive demand during the crisis and will shape the future of healthcare delivery to patients. The US government has taken steps to expand telemedicine services.

Future of healthcare post COVID19

  • Elective surgeries

Patients are more concerned about safety and hygiene while entering hospitals. Most of them who have postponed their elective surgeries have to be reassured. Hospitals are providing options to their patients to have their surgeries in ambulatory surgery centers.

  • Strengthening local supply chains

During the pandemic, hospitals faced problems in the delivery of vital equipment such as the PPE. Hospitals plan on collaborating to tackle this issue. They have realized the importance of a second local source to face such problems. Several hospitals in Chicago plan to have a consortium and get the equipment manufactured locally to reduce their reliance on imports.

  • Digital health options             
Digital health options

Hospitals are looking forward to a rise in telehealth and remote monitoring technologies post this pandemic. A surge in telemedicine is being experienced during the crisis. Patients’ expectations from healthcare are changing fast. Hospitals are quickly engaging with vendors to be able to provide telehealth services efficiently via different online platforms. There is an increasing need for patient education and awareness platforms to help them make informed decisions.

  • Advanced Technology

Social distancing norms have changed the way people interact with online offerings of products and services. Soon, we can expect robots and drones to take over the healthcare industry. Most of the disinfection routines in hospitals can be done by robots. Drones will play an essential role in the delivery of essential medicines and equipment on time. Technological advancements can be seen making their way into the healthcare industry soon. Mindbowser is constantly working with its customers to embrace the new technologies. In fact, we developed a patient-centric HIPAA Compliant Telehealth Platform that has special features to get customers’ attention towards the app, increase its reach, and ensure its success.

Telemedicine apps are the new Normal

Today, most of the people in the world are under a complete lockdown to prevent the spread of the coronavirus outbreak. Since people cannot leave their homes, it has become even more difficult for people to get in touch with a doctor. There are new med-tech solutions that are being employed to help patients get easier access to medical services.

These solutions are called telemedicine apps, and they are administering medical services to patients and improving the quality of treatment they receive. According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, the definition of telehealth is the usage of electronic information and telecommunications technologies in providing healthcare treatment. It also refers to the use of these technologies in medical education and clinical data management.

Telemedicine aims to empower both patients and their healthcare providers. Its applications include video medical consultations, remote monitoring, telehealth nursing, remote physical, and psychiatry therapy. It has the potential to become one of the most integral parts of the healthcare industry. If it is applied correctly, it can be very beneficial for the industry as a whole. This is supported by the most recent Global Market Insights report.

The report states that the global telemedicine market will expand from $38.3 billion to $130.5 billion by 2025. Many participants were surveyed to study the adoption rate of such technologies; 70.5% said they are investing in telemedicine app development. This number was only 54% in 2014. The rate at which the industry is adopting telemedicine software is a reliable indicator that it is going to be the next frontier in medical care.

Healthcare venture opportunities

COVID19 pandemic has created a market for a lot of different technological advancements in the healthcare industry. We have seen a rise in telemedicine app development services recently because of the crisis. There is a growing need for AI and machine learning capabilities for improved patient diagnostics, patient health analysis, and many more applications. Mindbowser is providing technology solutions to healthcare companies and establishments. 

With the coming times, we can expect a lot of disruptions in the healthcare industry. COVID19 is changing the game for healthcare companies and investors. The changes are fast-paced, and therefore, all the stakeholders have to adapt to the situation and plan for the future to stay relevant in the business. Every crisis presents an opportunity. Healthcare companies and institutions should leverage this opportunity to serve patients’ needs completely.

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