It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change – Charles Darwin 

We’ve unexpectedly been plagued by recent events that have pushed us to reassess and renew our future plans. In a post covid world, the survival of our species is reliant on our willingness and ability to adapt to a new life. Artificial intelligence (AI) helps mimic human thinking without trying to replicate human interaction, lightening some of the mental load of problem-solving and predicting.

Help for the healthcare sector 

We are now doing more than ever with Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially in the health care sector. AI has provided a more efficient way to automate everyday tasks, helping physicians work more efficiently and effectively. AI acts as a physician assistant by managing patients and medical resources. It also helps provide trustworthy education in a “fake news” overwhelmed world. 

AI as a physician’s assistant 

From risk assessment to chronic disease management, there are endless opportunities to leverage technology to provide more precise, efficient, and impactful interventions. AI allows for execution at exactly the right moment in a patient care journey.

AI-based digital triage platforms started in Israel and the U.S. provide a valuable learning experience, as well as information gained during the Covid-19 pandemic. They both point to a future of better healthcare. Providing the right treatment at the right time is a recipe for healthcare success.

AI education 

In a best-case scenario, the implementation of AI will help teach the masses and educate the people to become their best and protect one another. If we take a look at the current confusion and mistrust of information, even from authoritative health organizations, it creates an insurmountable task to effectively teach and educate social safety. 

The news cycle is dominated by articles on the effects of vaccines and whether to take them or not. There’s not much on how you can naturally arm yourself against covid-19. The healthcare industry is ripe for some major changes, including adapting to the current population’s wants and needs. 

Post-pandemic protocols 

Already, countries like Abu Dhabi and Dubai have issued guidelines for businesses to reopen once they have complied with protocols such as limits on operating hours, disabling of any touch screens, mandatory temperature checks, and face masks. 

Technology will be crucial for governments as they seek to get people back to work while safeguarding their health. In particular, AI can play a major role by helping to limit the spread of infection and boost the efficiency of embattled organizations.

Nori Health: an AI advocate in healthcare

As a real-world example in healthcare, Nori Health has been using AI technology as a means to provide evidence-based therapies to people living with inflammatory conditions. The goal is to improve patients’ quality of life while decreasing symptoms. AI is used for constant decision-making and adapting to the personal needs of users, in order to create programs that bring the most valuable content to the right person at the right time. Which results in better health outcomes as well – such as an average increase of 34% in disease management scores from patients. 

Artificial intelligence has continued to reinvigorate and reinvent itself. There are now modern machine learning solutions capable of acting, learning, understanding, and predicting. This is a step further than the surgery-assisting robots and linking genetic codes previously driven by AI.

Thanks to AI algorithms, healthcare processes are now faster and at a fraction of the original costs. From patient examination to diagnosis, the AI has really changed the game in terms of speed and saving resources. For instance, AI can identify the biomarkers that suggest disease in our bodies through AI algorithms. Massive automation means we can now save more lives by acting faster. A goal of Nori Health all along.

In telemedicine, AI-triage consultations and medications help to provide access to rural areas patients (or urban cities with serious traffic congestions), at an affordable cost and with similar qualities as a physical doctor’s visit. Across the healthcare spectrum, the implementation of the appropriate AI tech can add value to clinicians, administrative staff, and of course, the patient. 

Technology in a post-covid world 

The agile and modular blueprint of Nori Health ensures a clean and seamless implementation of AI. The 8-week program is designed to help support and guide patients through lower-level mental health frustrations, pain management, and even helping to decrease flare symptoms. Nori is considering AI techniques to continually become smarter, with the goal of best supporting the patient on their journey and improving the future of the healthcare systems. Other technologies in the digital health and telehealth space are equally contributing to smarter access to healthcare, as well as in triage to avoid unnecessary societal costs.

The human race has always taken care of each other. It’s time to take a tech-based step forward in which we can help each other on a massive scale. Infusing technology with sympathy, for a happier, healthier future is the next big step forward. One of the most important developments within the technology space will be a platform-based world. Where we no longer work with separated apps and programs but all will be integrated and embedded into each other – mutually benefiting from data points and outcomes in order to provide users with the best possible experience. In digital therapeutics for example we see this happening already with many strategic partnerships in place. AI will play an important part in this platform-based future, as it will be able to help us connect the dots and create intelligent bundles of care.

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